Crafty Navigator

Crafty Navigator

What does it do?

It allows players to craft waypoints, set them to a location in the world, and then walk back to those positions at any time using their compasses so long as they still have the waypoint.
Please note that this plugin was not meant to teleport players around the world like most waypoint plugins. The goal is to add to the functionality of the compass and to the survival experience, especially in servers that have coordinates disabled via the new gamerule reducedDebugInfo. The plugin is pretty much command-free other than the main command that explains how to use the plugin. There will be some teleportation, but it is not meant to be the focus of the plugin.

How does it work?

  1. Craft a waypoint using a piece of paper, a piece of redstone dust, and an enderpearl in any pattern. The enderpearl requirement can be disabled in the configuration.
  2. Go to the location that you want to eventually return to.
  3. Right click with the blank waypoint to save those coordinates to it.
  4. Rename the waypoint to anything you want. Maybe Notch's House or Spawn Town.
  5. Now, anytime you want to go back, just right-click with that waypoint and your compass will point to where you want to go.
  6. To see what your compass's current target is, just left-click with it.
  7. To reset the compass to the server spawn, just right-click with it.


  • Namable waypoints that use the compass and that you can hold, trade, share, and store.
  • No need to ever run a single command (ignore command heading directly below...)


  • /navigator - explains how to use Navigator
  • /navigator version - displays Navigator version
  • *Aliases for navigator: nav, compass, cnav

Permission Nodes

  • navigator.user.*
    • navigator.user.setcompass
    • navigator.user.waypoint.*
      • navigator.user.waypoint.set
      • navigator.user.waypoint.clone
      • navigator.user.waypoint.craft


  • Clone waypoints by crafting with paper*
  • Option to teleport to waypoints with permission
  • Command to rename waypoints with permission
  • Point to bed instead of server spawn by default option in config


prefix: "&f[&6Nav&f]"
#Customizable prefix for all Navigator messages. Use & for Minecraft color codes
require_enderpearl_for_crafting: true
#Require the enderpearl in the waypoint crafting recipe


v0.0.6b - 4/11/15
Crafty Navigator on GitHub


v0.0.6b - 4/11/15
+Waypoint recipe
+Instructions command
+Compass interface
+Custom prefix
*Renamed to Crafty Navigator


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 10, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Apr 11, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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