Setup Guide (2.x)

Craftconomy Installation

Basic installation

Installing Craftconomy is really simple. You simply put the plugin .jar into your plugin folder, restart your server and you are done! Everything can be configurated in the config.yml file located into plugins/Craftconomy folder.

Converting from another economy plugin


To convert from iConomy, you need to setup the Convert section of the config file.

Here is the basic Convert section:

    Enabled: false
    Type: iconomy
    TableName: iConomy
    DatabaseType: mysql
    Address: localhost
    Port: 3306
    Username: root
    Password: test
    Database: iconomy
EnabledEnable the convert system. MUST BE SET TO FALSE WHEN THE CONVERT IS DONE
TypeThe convert type. Currently only iConomy is supported
TableNameThe name of the table if using a database
DatabaseTypeThe type of the database as defined in your iConomy configuration file (minidb, sqlite or mysql)
AddressIf using MySQL, the MySQL server address. If using SQLite / minidb, the file location (example: plugins/iConomy/
PortIf using MySQL, the server port.
UsernameIf using MySQL, the username.
PasswordIf using MySQL, the user password.
DatabaseIf using MySQL, the database name

Once this section is completed. Start / Restart your server and the conversion will be done automaticly. Once it's completed, stop your server and set the Enabled node to false or it will reset all accounts!


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