CraftBook v3.8.9a (JAR ONLY)
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UploadedApr 13, 2014
Size1.22 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.3
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3.8.9 Alpha 1 (14th April)
- Added support for UUIDs. CraftBook now has an internal ID system called 'CBIDs'. This is viewable by other plugins as an API, and is a way of referencing UUIDs on signs.
- Added converting of Names to CBIDs (CraftBook UUID Mappings) WARNING! MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE USING THIS, IT IS IRREVERSIBLE.
- Added CBID PlayerType argument.
- Added the ability for Potion Inducer to be turned off with a lever.
- Added an option for XP Storer to require a glass bottle.
- Added an option to change the amount of XP required per bottle for XP Storer.
- Added the option for air to be set as XP Storer block, removing the need to right click a block. (Just right clicking air, with glass bottle if configured to)
- Added TemporaryCart mechanic.
- Added 'Last Known Locations' to Teleport ICs. Allows for ICs to cache locations and load the chunks.
- Added SQLite PersistentStorage type.
- Added Loaded Mechanics List to CB Report.
- Fixed the Melody IC being odd in many cases, and having a lot of redundant code.
- Updated for 1.7.8
- Tweaked Monostable IC bounds, and fixed it with caching.
- Retired PersistentDataIC and use PersistentStorage instead. ICs auto convert.
- Fixed the 'no enabled mechanics' warning not occuring due to default enabled mechanics.
For earlier changes, check the file named CHANGELOG.txt in the zip file!