Scope Idea #74

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to shampaggon
  • _ForgeUser8521621 created this issue Aug 27, 2013

    As you probably know, equipping a pumpkin in your head slot will make it look you're actually wearing a pumpkin, it modifies your vision. As you probably also know, that picture can be changed, for example into a sniper scope, via resource packs. So I was thinking that maybe CrackShot could have a special type of scope called "Sniper_Scope" or something like that. And when scoping with a gun that uses that scope, you'd get the pumpkin visual. Or it would actually unequip anything in your head slot, equip the pumpkin, and when you unequip the pumpkin, return the previous equipped item to the head slot. I'm sure many would appreciate this "sniper scope", but as there's probably bigger priorities (mechanics?) so it's fine for me if this goes to the bottom of the list. Thank you for reading.

  • _ForgeUser8521621 added the tags New Enhancment Aug 27, 2013

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