Suggestions ===} #231

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to shampaggon
  • _ForgeUser11052825 created this issue Aug 3, 2014

    Hi. I looked in the post and you said you needed some ideas in Crackshot. Well, I have a tons of ideas and maybe a can help you. So let's begin.
    1) Ender Pearl Projectile. (Nothing too complicated)
    2) Item Projectile (Like throwing a grenade but it does damage on impact and it does not explode)
    3) Tripleshot, or Quadrashot etc (Shoots a number of projectiles at a defined distance between them. You know what I'm trying to say.)
    4) Particle Projectile (Defined Particle appears at a defined time at the position of the projectile. Ex: Particle_Projectile: BLOCK_BREAK-55-2 The Projectile will have that particle shown every 2 ticks.) [Would also work with Energy Projectile_Type ; could create a particle beam.]
    5) More Particles.
    6) A module called Commands. (When ,who, how to execute a command and a defined time to execute. Ex: Execute : shoot, Make_Shooter_Execute_Command: spawn-100 Shooter will execute the command /spawn after 5 seconds he shoots his gun.)
    7) EXP to shoot (Takes EXP per shot.)
    8) Block Projectile?
    9) When you recoil you can make it go vertical or horizontal, right? The same when knockbacking an enemy.
    10) Lock-On Projectile.
    11) Mounted LMGs. (Pew,pew,pew,pew)
    12) 67.5 Damage. (Able to put .) [Don't know if you can do this if you can ignore it.]
    13) Fly Recoil With Timing And Velocity . (You look at a building from 500 blocks away. You aim it, shoot the gun and you fly at it for X seconds and at Y Speed. When you reach X seconds then you fall.) [When I mean fly I mean fly in a straight line without falling.]
    14) Spawn ARMORED Entities On Hit.
    15) You want More? Of course you do.
    16) Teleport to where the projectile hit.
    17) Other Kind of Projectile?
    18) Enchant_When_Cannot_Be_Used (You put Delay_Between_Shots : X you wait to be able to fire the gun again. During that time the gun in enchanted. Helps you know when the gun is ready to be fired again.)
    19) Timed Particles (Ex: FLAMES-3-20, FLAMES-3-40, FLAMES-3-60, FLAMES-3-80, FLAMES-3-100 Flames particles will be shown every second for 5 seconds.)
    20) No_Melee_Damage (All guns should deal 1 damage when used as melee weapons.)
    There you go! Would help a lot if these would be added in crackshot.

  • _ForgeUser11052825 added the tags New Enhancment Aug 3, 2014

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