
You can now add the following to any message:

  • %t - Will display the current seconds.
  • %w - Will display the world name that the player who started the count is in.
  • %p - Will display the name of the player who started the count.
  • %i - Will display the interaction that the player used. (If a player presses a button to start a count, it will show "button")
// The first message of a countdown.
    begin: '&cCountdown Has Begun in %w! ' 
// The message for each countdown second. Ex: [Counter] 5 seconds to go!
    counting: '&6[Counter]&9 %t seconds to go!'
// The last message of a countdown.
    end: '&2Countdown Has Finished! :) '
// The first message of a count up.
    begin: '&cCount Up Has Begun in %w! '
// The message for each count up. Ex: [Counter] 5 seconds and counting!
    counting: '&6[Counter]&9 %t seconds and counting!'
// The last message of a count up.
    end: '&2Count Up Has Finished! :) '
// The message used when a player cancels any count.
  cancel: '&e%p canceled the count by %i.'
// The default interval to count by. If you don't specify an interval, it will count by whatever this number is. Must be a whole number!
  default_interval: 1

Make sure to do: /reloadcounter each time you change the config!
Copy the above code to reset config OR delete the config.yml in the Counter folder then reload your plugins


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