

Need a simple plugin that can enhance the experience of your economy server? This RPG plugin allows users to make their own companies, make custom jobs and hire other players to those positions business. Entrepreneurs will run their company on their treasury which players can manage by depositing money into it, the treasury is used to pay the employees. (Dependent on Vault)


/b create <name> (creates a business) /b add job <jobtitle> (creates a business job title I.e. /b add job builder/miner/farmer/etc. Any name created by the player) /b hire <username> <Job Title> (adds a player to a job) /b fire <username> (fires a player from the business> /b deposit <amount> (deposits money into the business) /b withdraw <amount> (takes money out of the businesses treasury) /b pay <username> (pays a player through the businesses treasury) /b close (closes down, gets rid of the business) /b quit (an employee leaves the business)


corporatecraft.create: description: Allows creation of bussiness corporatecraft.close: description: Allows closing of a bussiness corporatecraft.quit: description: Allows quitting of bussiness corporatecraft.hire: description: Allows hireing of members for bussiness description: Allows fireing of members of a bussiness corporatecraft.deposit: description: Allows deposit of money for bussiness corporatecraft.withdraw: description: Allows withdrawal of money for a bussiness description: Allows payment of money for a bussiness corporatecraft.setjob: description: Allows owner to set jobs for members of a bussiness

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 18, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 18, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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