CoreAPI is a developer tool which allows you to keep track of Development Bugs through our easy to use Control Panel. It automatically fills in all the information once you add one line of code to your commands. This plugin helps reduce the amount of bugs throughout your code because the players are able to contact you directly without leaving the game. You register on our site to create a Unique Identifier so you will get your plugins information, and then when you login you receive the information that the players have reported to you. We are currently working on a Android Application, with plans for a iOS Application in the near future.


For players to check the status of their bug report.

The reason we have decided to make this project is because of the fact that there isn't a Global Bug Reporting plugin that features a beautifully designed Web Panel for replying to, and viewing all the reported bugs. We will be contacted some plugin authors soon about a possible Alpha release to them to test the features and give them a first crack at the Unique System. If you are a developer wanting to use this system, please Private Message me and I will see to adding you to our Alpha Testers.

Tutorial on how to use CoreAPI:

Adding Bug to System:

  • Bugs.add(String identifier, Player player, String reported, String serverIP, String serverPort, String serverName);
    • The identifier is your unique code given to you viewable on your control panel, or in the email we have sent you.
    • The player is the player who reported the bug, reported is the String(String builder) that they have sent.
    • The serverIP, serverPort, and serverName are so you can check on the bug in-game and view who exactly is sending it.
      • Getting serverIP is Bukkit.getServerIP(), serverPort is String.valueOf(Bukkit.getServer().getPort());, serverName is Bukkit.getServerName();

Player checking Bug:

  • Bugs.check(String identifier, Player player, String serverIP, String serverPort);
    • Same as information above, this tells the player in chat about the status of the bug report, and if you have responded or solved it.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 6, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 8, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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