

This simple light weight plugin allows a Console Sender to chat like a normal player. Why not just use /say you might ask, well with this plugin you can give the console a prefix with colors using mine craft color codes. You can also with this plugin use chat color from the console. This plugin basically allows you to chat just like a normal player from the console. I find it very useful on my server so i hope you find it useful on yours.

How To Use

Because the command can only be used by the console there are no permissions needed


/chat: this is the only current command but i will add more as it updates such as /configreload the command /chat's usage is /chat <message> and the message can be whatever you like if you put the letter & then a letter afterwards e.g. a then it will become bright green more color codes at:


currently the only default here is consolename: 'random prefix>' this is the prefix to the console chat so you can make it looks exactly how you want you can use mine craft color codes such as &1 or &a so you could make something like '&f[&4Admin&f] &2Nnnnneeeedddd&f>' and that would mean the prefix would look something like: [Admin] Nnnnneeeedddd> Whatever the message is [white red Admin white] dark_green Nnnnneeeedddd white >


for those who downloaded the do not swear plugin i am really sorry. The file should be updated now i had no idea Thanks for those who have downloaded =D

Colour codes


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 21, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 7, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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