Conference is a simple group chat plugin. It works very much like IRC - simply /join <room name> and if the room doesn't exist, it will be automatically created for you. Prefix messages to the group with two slashes (e.g. // hello people)
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- /join <room name>
- Alias: /cjoin
- Permission: conference.join, given to everyone by default
- /part
- Aliases: /leave /quit and /cquit
- // <message...> - send a message to the current conference chat
- Aliases: /. and /c
- /who - lists who's in the current conference room
- Aliases: /see and /clist
- /confadmin - administrative commands to view, broadcast, part and delete rooms
- permission: conference.admin
You can test the plugin out on Tech Fortress, the server this plugin was designed for.