


"This plugin will have many frequent changes as not all features will be available until v2.00."

CompleteMobControl v1.14 B1

Added new craftable item "MobRepellent".
Added new craftable item "The Repelling Sword".
Added new permission node "completemc.craft.mobrepellent".
Added new permission node "completemc.craft.therepellingsword".

CompleteMobControl v1.13 D1

Fixed an error in the permission nodes for entity repellers.

CompleteMobControl v1.12

Removed some stray update code.
Added better Metrics support.
Added plugin bukkitdev link to the version command.
Removed the /cmc modify command.
Removed the completemc.modify permission node.
Modified the java package to match new website.
Made the /erepel modify for blockid/radius only.
Move the configuration verifier to a new class.
Moved the entity checking code.
Shortened the entity checking code by half.
Removed some unused imports.
Moved the repel_neutral configuration value.
Added Entity Force Fields.
Added a new permission node: completemc.fftoggle
Added a new permission node: completemc.ffremove
Added a new command: /ffield toggle
Set remove mode now kills by burning them.
Fixed the /cmc help 2 page.
Semi-Support for 1.7.2

CompleteMobControl v1.11

Removed the /cmc modify commmand.
Cleaned up some code.
Full Remove Mode integration.
Removed remove_mode configuration value.

CompleteMobControl v1.10

Removed Update Checking

CompleteMobControl v1.10 B1

Contains v1.03 and v1.04.
All new commands.
All new permission nodes.
Fixed some issues in the modify commands.
Fixed the remove mode not deactivating with commands.
New configuration file format.
Plugin now validates config on start and reload.
New plugin description on bukkitdev.
Re-added Metrics integration.
Fixes to update checking.
Chat related improvements.
Improvements to Remove Mode.
Improvements to Metrics.
Added in-game command help.
Some other improvements to the plugin functionality.
Bug fixes.
Fixed the issue where players without permissions couldn't build.
Getting ready for 1.7.2
(This version will not completely work with 1.7.2).
Preparing for ForceFields.
Preparing for signs.
Preparing for ability to disable mobs on worlds.
Preparing for the new /mobspawn command.

CompleteMobControl v1.020

Added the /cmcconfig command.
Added a new permission node: completemc.config.
Added the /cmccreate command.
Added a new permission node: completemc.create.
Added the /cmcinfo command.
Added a new permission node:
Fixed a bug where new worlds did not register without a restart.
Fixed a coding error with new update checking.
Fixed a glitch with plugin configuration.
Remove mode now defaults to enabled.
Moved configuration value ignore_below.
(Must manually update config.yml to match new config.)
Made improvements to message formatting.
New plugin author SanityHusky.
New images on bukkitdev.
Preparing for a video tutorial.
Preparing for a new help email system.
Dev integration for plugin help in-game.
Improvements to the Metrics integration.
Getting ready for MC v1.7.

CompleteMobControl v1.01

Added a new permission node: completemc.ccreate
Added a new command: /cmccreate [size]
Fixed a glitch in the /cmcremove command.
Added a new configuration value: Mobs.remove_mode (true,false)
Added a new configuration value: Metrics.opt-out (true,false)
Added a new configuration value: Metrics.guid (do not change)
Added a new configuration value: Metrics.debug (true,false)
Added the remove mode functionality (removes mobs when they enter a repellers radius)
Fixed a glitch with tamed animals getting removed on mob respawn.
Fixed some debug issues.
Added new plugin tester "NoPride".
Fixed a repeller list glitch.
Fixed the issue with the first-run configuration file pre-populate.
Added some new chat feedback messages.
Added Metrics integration. (Metrics)
Added plugin update notifications.
Added a new configuration value: Update.show_alerts (true,false)
Added a new configuration value: Update.beta_alert (true,false)
Some other bug fixes.
New website coming soon: (SmartWolfTech)
Also includes all changes in CMC v1.01 B1

CompleteMobControl v1.01 B1

Added better chat and log messages.
Fixed the configuration file generation on first-run.
Fixed the permission node error.
Changed the repeller file name to entityrepellers.list.
Cleaned up some coding.
Fixed the debugging mode error.
Other bug fixes.
Added mob spawner support (prevents spawning in radius).
Added support for the new minecraft animals (horses).
Fixed support for earlier craftbukkitbukkit versions.
This is a stable beta build of CMC and is a recommended update.

CompleteMobControl v1.00

Added a new repeller strength (extreme).
Fixed some major permission issues.
Added color to console logging.
Added color to in-game chat.
The first sucessful continuation of MobRepellent :)

