
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

CommandTime allows players to quickly schedule a command to be run in the future.

CommandTime uses a simple permission, commandtime.timer, to allow players to schedule a command. To schedule the command "money" to run in 2 minutes for example, the player would simply type:
/timer money 2

If the command requires multiple parameters, such as "sethome myHome", the command would simply look like:
/timer sethome myHome 2

Players can only run a command (in the above example, "/timer sethome myHome 2") if they have permission to run both the timer command (commandtime.timer) and run the root command, in this case "sethome". It runs the command as the player him/herself, so doing "/timer sethome 1" would set the sending player's home in one minute.

/timer <command> <minutes>
where <command> is the command, with all parameters, to be run, such as "tppos 100 100 700", and where <minutes> is the number of minutes you want to delay before running the command.

-commandtime.timer Allows the "/timer <command> <minutes>" command.

If you need help with this plugin or are having issues with it yelling at you in console and not-working in-game, just post below and I'll try to help you out!

Is it buggy?

Through my limited testing everything has been working fine.

Though that has been said, keep in mind, it is in its infancy, and I created it this morning while feeling bored, so its bound to have a few issues. Let me know so I can fix them!


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