CommandPoints giving commands #3

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to devil_boy512
  • _ForgeUser9349350 created this issue May 8, 2013

    Good evening, sir

    I was wondering if it is possibile to make CommandPoints give certain players the possibility to make the server console performing some commands for a specific player via some signs.

    For example:

    1. A player vote our server and earn 1 point

    2. Then player go into the server and click on a sign [1], which makes the console performs the following command: /pex user <user> group add "vip" world

    3. When the player clicks on the sign, the command is performed, and then the player lose the 1 CommandPoint that he had earned before.

    A second example could be:

    1. I vote the server three times and earn 3 points

    2. I go into the server and click on the sign [1] which adds me to the "vip" group (see the example n° 1)

    3. Then I click on the sign [2], which costs 2 point, and the console add me to the disguisecraft users' group via the following command: /pex user <user> add disguisecraft.*

    Is it possible to implement this feature into this already magnific plugin? :) Thank you so much and have a nice day :)

  • _ForgeUser9349350 added the tags New Enhancment May 8, 2013

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