CommandLogger simply logs all commands to the server log and console in the format of [CommandLogger] <playername> /<command> <params>
Basically an enderdragon spawned on my main world and I have no idea who did it. Now I will know who used the spawnmob command if it happens again. This may also be useful if a staff member is spawning items that he/she shouldn't be. This plugin is extremely simple and lightweight. If you have any feature requests I'd be happy to hear them.
- Simply put the .jar folder in your /plugins directory and then start your server.
- There is no configuration needed. It will log every command to the server log and console automatically.
- I plan on adding a config for a whitelist or blacklist of commands you dont want it to listen for
- commandlogger.toggle (lets you use /comlog toggle to toggle notifications of commands used ingame)
- commandlogger.silent (Prevents your commands from showing up for other players who have comlog toggled on)
- /comlog toggle (lets your recieve incoming notifications of commands used ingame)
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I guess I just spoilt my fellow op's fun... XD
Hey, I was wondering If you could make it so that the /comlog toggle will stay on until I remove it, Because Every time I relog on my server it goes away and I have to re-enable it, Great plugin overall.
One of the best plugins on bukkit well done!
I want a plugin that makes quests for heroes possible!!!!! also i was once on your server not bad
it dosnt log OPs :/
is this intentional
hey... great plugin, very important for servers, thanks for making it!
I still see however ยง7[CommandLogger] instead of a color code. Can that be changed to either see a color or have the code removed?
If your players have commandlogger.silent then it won't show up for you.
i wonder if this is conflicting with other mods of mine cuz it doesnt let me see any commands. it says its loaded and started just fine in the server log. weird.
the toggle command keeps saying i toggled it when i enter it. but still nothing
edit: just removed all plugins and tried it. nope
It would be very good to merge with this plugin:
One shows the command in the console and ingame, the other one sorts the commands by playername in separated files. Both together would be perfect.
Any update on the whitelist / blacklist of commands?
Agreed, just need to be able to stop it from logging the /login commands. dont need it logging peoples passwords. :)
This is a really usefull plugin, and actually makes helping players much easier. Do you plan on updating it to work with R5 ? I would hate to be with out it.
"I plan on adding a config for a whitelist or blacklist of commands you dont want it to listen for"
That would complete this for me.
Yup, just what i need, only thing that could make it better would be MySQL/SQLite support and command filtering.
I'll look into it.
Love it thanks. You probably won't add any of these ideas and that fine but here: Maybe a toggle command to show/not show to console. A way to filter certain commands from showing to the log/console.
No thanks, I like having it show in the server log so that I can see more clearly why something happened.
Possible to make it log in another place? 'Cause my world.log is HUUUUGE, and yea don't wanna search each time, would be a lot easier with a different file.
Good stuff! Good times not having to track down specific plugin's logs in most cases.