Do you own a server? Do your staff members log off the server, but keep Minecraft open? They then leave the computer...and a sneaky sibling comes up from no where. He logs onto your server, and causes all sorts of mischief! Well, this solves that!
- Players must enter a password before being able to enter commands, talk, or interact with things!
- Password, and all messages can be set in the config
- Keeps your server secure!
- commandlock.staff | This will mark them as a "Staff" member, and require that they enter the passcode!
- /commandl <PASSWORD> | Entering your password
- Install the .jar like any other plugin
- Restart the server
- Edit the config to your likings(Config info below)
- Restart the server
- password | The password that staff will be required to enter after joining
- joinmessage | The message that staff will receive when the join, letting them know to enter the password
- successful | Message players receive when they successfully login
- errormessage | Message players will receive if they enter the password wrong
- notloggedin | Message players will receive if they try to do something, but aren't logged in
- alreadyloggedin | Message players get if they try to run the command, while logged in
Feature Requests/Upcoming Features:
- Password required after AFK time (In case staff don't logoff, when they leave the computer)
- Implement a check if is instanceofplayer, to prevent console errors
Known Bugs:
- None at the Moment