CombatLog punishes players who log out in an attempt to escape combat
CombatLog has been updated to v2.3.0! Supports versions 1.7.10+
How effective is CombatLog? Take a look at this graph:
Sample config page:
New API usage:
- Easy-to-understand configuration file.
- Able to customize messages and disable unwanted features.
- Use /tag or /ct to check tag time.
- Remove players' Combat tags if they disconnect because of lag or if they were kicked.
- Block commands (using a blacklist/whitelist), teleportation, and enderpearls.
- Remove invisibility potions, disguises, or fly mode, upon entering Combat.
- Display CombatTags on an ActionBar.
- combatlog.bypass - Ability to bypass all of CombatLog's log prevention methods. (Default NONE)
- combatlog.reload - Ability to reload combatlog.yml. (Default OP)
- combatlog.update - Ability to see UpdateChecks upon logging in. (Default OP)
Consider donating to support development:
Hi it's a perfect plugin but when someone hits a player the one who hitted get combatlogged but the other one no pls help
1.14.4 please bro!!!
well I installed it but it seems to act like it isn't even downloaded... no messages.. no nothing. anyone else?
update 1.13.2 please.
Console errors:
Does anyone know if combatlog is for version 1.12 or for version 1.13?
Is it open source?
May I make local fork of this plugin even there is no source code (through decompile)?
I want to add "creative" to "Remove-Modes" list in config.
Also, I want to divide "RemoveModesMessage" into separate messages (fly,disguise,creative) to enable independent localized messages
+ a little more refactor and tuning
In reply to QVintence:
"and enderpearls" This is not in the config ...
I tried another one of these combat plugins but it was so hard to configure. All I had to do in this was just change the combat time, change 2 things. and bam. Probably the most useful plugin on my server. works wonders! Brilliant job dev!
Great plugin! Thanks.
Can you add auto-respawn mode?
Type: On player death, is will respawn automatically.
Is There a way from api to teleport a player or remove it from combatlog?
I want to teleport a player in combat from my plugin but i don't want to enable in the config the teleport.
In reply to PatatoneKiller:
In reply to PatatoneKiller:
Can you add a white-list system command?
The black-list for me is a problem because i have a lot of commands to block.
Thanks for reading :)
In reply to PatatoneKiller:
In reply to iiSnipezMC:
Hey so I have also got the same problem as the previous person, after updating to 2.2.1 the plugin no longer combat tags anyone, when hitting mobs you dont get tagged and when youre in pvp you dont get tagged. I have added you on Skype but any assistance would be much appreciated.
Hello, can you add in config.yml disable/enable support for Factions? Thanks in advance
Is there any code that skips a line in a message? like in an motd "/n" will do to the next line because I want my combat tag messages to stand out without other chat crowding it so that there is space in between the messages. I can supply screenshots of what I am talking about if that is needed
Hi, I could definitely add this in a future update. Currently working on displaying Combat Tag messages on the actionbar. I can include this feature in that update.