
ColumnWireless is a plugin that allows a redstone state to be sent wirelessly. Yeah, another one. But, so, why did I made this one? In fact, a wireless system is like cheating in my opinion. It's an enormous simplification of circuits that would be normally enormous, and so saves a lot of resources. But, for a building project, I just needed a way to send wirelessly a redstone current. Then, I took two options to reduce at maximum the "cheat" engaged by such a plugin :

  • The current shall be transmitted only above and below, ie. only the "y" coordinate shall differ between the emitter and the receptor,
  • Such a transmission shall be expensive. You'll need a gold block to act as an "antenna" per device, which means at least 2 gold blocks for a system.

Building a wireless system

Each device is at the same time emitter and receptor. The heart of the device is the "antenna", a gold block. The input is made by a redstone wire just above the gold block, the output is a lever placed aside of the block. Each device placed on the same column is automatically connected.

Now, when the state of the redstone wire above any antenna changes, each lever associated to the linked devices is switched to restitute the state transmitted. That's simple as that.

Caution! Do not place your lever on the side of the gold block, it would transfer its state to the redstone wire and then lock the system to "on". The right way is to put the lever attached to the ground.

Have a look at the image above to view the exact pattern.


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