ColorMe - Add color to player names
Version v3.8.1
Old forum link: Click!
This plugin aims to modify the chat with colors, prefixes and suffixes.
You can set the color/prefix/suffix for individual players or create groups and add players to them.
There are several supported third-party plugins and other supported things like Spout or an economy system.
It's a rebirth of ColorMe and Prefixer from @Valrix
I'm happy to hear about your opinion, just leave a comment with a feature request, bug, improvement or just a personal opinion.
As a reminder I want to say that I worked very long on this and really appreciate a 'thank you' in form of a donation! (See details on the bottom)
English (thanks @Gavanand Kali for this!)
German presentation by Flocki4everything
Czech presentation by videote123
Russian presentation by mantislic
Google slideshow with all information
Slideshow (like a PowerPoint presentation)
- Add colors to a player's name in chat, above the head and in the tab list
- Prefixer and Suffixer integration. COLORING WITH THE '&' character!
- Group system! Support for PermissionsEx, bPermissions and GroupManager, or use the own implemented system
- Multi-world support
- Economy support via Vault
- TagAPI support - colored nickname above the head without using Spout
- Spout support (colored nickname above your head!)
- Bukkit Permissions support (recommend is bPermissions)
- Get/Set/Remove colors from command-line
- Players are notified if their name color is changed and the new color is displayed
- Tab-list support
- Mix colors
- Create own colors
- Rainbow and random color support
- Use colors in the chat and on signs colors, too
- Automatically color the text
- Feature for new color on each join
- Length limitation (max & min) of prefixes/suffixes
- Word blacklist
- Completely localized, change any message
- NEW Let other plugins use ColorMe values!
- NEW Choose your own chat formatting!
- NOTE: This plugin sends usage statistics! If you wish to disable the usage stats, look at /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml!
Having issues with ColorMe?
Maybe your question is already answered!
Take a look at the FAQ
If you still got problems, create a ticket!
See the config here!
(Fully commented!)
Commands & Permissions
Only the bukkit permissions are supported! I highly recommend that you use a plugin for permissions like bPermissions!
If no permission system is found, all commands are for OPs only!
If you want to use ECONOMY, please use Vault!
See the extra site for commands and permissions here!
Custom colors
There is a thread where you can share your custom colors!
English (default) by xGhOsTkiLLeRx
Russian by Coffeemann
German by xGhOsTkiLLeRx
Feel free to share your localizations and they will be added here, just leave a comment with a link to a translated localization.yml!
Thanks for contributing!
Downloads/Source Code/Dev Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
(Latest dev builds/bleeding edge builds) - - Dev builds from Jenkins
(Source code hosted on Github) - - Source Code
Future Plans (a.k.a. ToDo)
Per world colorDoneRainbow color?DoneGroups colorAdded in 3.5
Make sure to take a look at the always up to date ToDo!
ColorMe has got an API.
If you are interested into using the API, take a look at the API site.
Known Bugs
- Tab list doesn't work all the time.
- Strange player names due to coloring on Windows? Use ANSICON
Version 3.8.1
- Errors will be logged into debug.log when enabled
- Fixed error with groups
- Allow spaces for group prefixes and suffixes, too
- Build against latest bukkit
Version 3.8
- Global defaults are working again
- Use Sun coding conventions
- Improved various features
- Fixed various smaller bugs
- Fix for tab shortening
- Try to avoid conflicts with other sign related plugins
- Added German and Russian localization to main page
@Valrix for his awesome plugin! I'm glad you allowed me to fork it!
Thanks to all the testers with the 3.5 dev version!
Feel free to use this banner!! :)
Statistics (from MCStats)
I worked really hard on this plugin and I'm very happy about any donation.
Support me & buy me some beer, this makes me happy and keeps me interested in this plugin.
Donation chain: -> I receive some money -> Buy coffee -> Work longer -> Faster Updates -> Your benefit!
There is a button on top of this page (right to the different tabs)
This plugin is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license!
Does the plugin have an alias for Colour instead of Color?
Nope! Feel free to create some pull requests ;)
Would you mind if I clean the plugin up a bit? Maybe submit some changes for consideration?
the problem is not with me being op it dont work for anyone in my server op or no op
Maybe this solves your problem:
In the essentials config.
i have everything set up as it should be and yes im op but you have to understand that colorme worked fine on the setup i have and that setup is what you stated, its only stoped working since you changed the code, it never failed to work befor, so i realy dont know y it will not work. i can only report to you my findings and that is it dont work on the same setup that it use to work on befor 1.0 bukkit and your code rewrite.
If it changed the players.color, it's working. Check your essentials config:
Make sure the first line is set to true and the and the second lines contains the DISPLAYNAME.
Btw. are you an OP (or the player who's color isn't changed)?
i have tryed it as you requested and still no luck, it still changes the player.color but the ingame color stays the same and i have also only got essentials and worldedit on at min.
Btw, are you still launching the command executor separately instead of hooking it into bukkit?
Some code needs to be optimized, that's true ;)
Would you give version 3.1 a try? (Use the dropbox link, if the file isn't approved (yet) here!)
lol I had a look at the source. He does some wonky stuff with that code XD
well i guess the code rewrite didnt go so well cause i cant use it no more but never mind im useing essentials one now cause ya can do rainbow in that too. but good luck with colorme and hope ya get it fixed.
Valrix is (was) too busy to keep it up to date - he passed it off. This one is updated to the newest bukkit standards.
I also changed to commands a bit. Besides this I rewrote a large part of the code ;)
What happend with the old colorme? it still works for me
Either please create a ticket or delete your Old configs
sorry m8 but it does not work for me i just keep getting this error
and im using Essentials Groupmanager, i have used this pluging for a long time well the old one but this new one dont work for me.
Hi! Try it with your chat plugin! It colors only the displayname! And it looks like your are using prefixes. If you need help create a forum thread ;)
Yeah, it should be in the TAB list :)
Would I be able to do something like this: [Mod]Mr_FJ The bold part would be in colour.
Also, will the colours show up in the player list? (when you press TAB)