Some Ideas? #60

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to xghostkillerx
  • _ForgeUser9947235 created this issue Aug 11, 2013

    1. Permission node to bypass disabled colors at configuration file
    2. Better name coloring system? Makes it possible to set different colors for each latters. I have some suggestion for this: &1xxx (perhaps use another symbol such as _ to replace x) will make the 1st - 3rd letters turn blue, and another letters starting from 4th letter get reset code (&r). So if the username was ABCDEFGHI, ABC will be blue, and DEFGHI will be plain white (since they will get reset code). Another example of the same method: &1xx&4&lxxxx will make 1st - 2nd letters turn blue, and then 3rd - 6th letters will turn red & bold. So if the username was 1234567890, 12 will be blue, 3456 will be red & bold, and  7890 will get reset code (&r). I have no idea if that is actually possible (which I actually beloieve it is), but I think it would be a little bit tricky.
    3. Commands to manage chatcolor (would be better than permission node). But there should be an option for permission plugin to make a default chat color for a group (incase server owner does not want to give permission for a group to change their chatcolor to any colors they want).
    4. Rephrase /prefixer to /prefix and /suffixer to /suffix at help menu of each command (suffix and prefix). I do not think this is necessary, but I think it actually looks better without -er.

    I wish you would do some of the ideas, most, or all would be even better.

    Ken Xeiko

  • _ForgeUser9947235 added the tags New Enhancment Aug 11, 2013
  • _ForgeUser9947235 edited description Aug 12, 2013

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