
This is the standard messages.yml. You can copy it or any selection of the nodes into your message.yml in order to customise the output of messages. If you speak another language and you write a full messages files for another language it would be great if you could share for other server owners to use.

# CmdRank Messages (Ref: 
# Messages during /rankup commands
  not-available: '&cYour current rank does not allow you to rankup.'
  # Repeated for each matched rank
  # Variables:
  #   - {group} name of the matched group
  #   - {player} name of the player
  #   - {description} description of the rankup
  #   - {requirements} requirements string
  #   - {cooldown} remaining cooldown
  #   - {rankups} remaining rankups
    disabled: '&cRankup is currently disabled from &5{group}'
    rerank: '&cYou cannot rankup from &5{group}&c again'
    cooldown: '&cYou must wait before you can rankup from &5{group}'
    requirements: '&cYou must meet the requirments to rankup: &6{requirements}'
    announcement: '&b{player} has ranked up'
  success: '&aYou have rankedup!'
  failure: '&cYou did not rankup'
# Messages during /rankcheck commands
# Variables:
#   - {player} name of the player
#   - {global-cooldown} time string for remaining global-cooldown
    - '&eAvailable Rankups'
    - '&e================='
  global-cooldown: '&3Remaining cooldown: &a{global-cooldown}'
  # Repeated for each matched rank
  # Variables:
  #   - {group} name of the matched group
  #   - {description} description of the rankup
  #   - {requirements} requirements string
  #   - {cooldown} remaining cooldown
  #   - {rankups} remaining rankups
    header: '&cRankup from &5{group}&c:'
    description: '&2Description: &6{description}'
    requirements: '&2Requirements: &6{requirements}'
    cooldown: '&2Remaining cooldown: &6{cooldown}'
    reranks: '&2Remaining uses: &6{reranks}'
    disabled: '&Disabled: &6true'
    additional: []
  norankups: '&cNo rankups to show'
  footer: []
# How requirements are strung together
    money: 'money'
    exp: 'xp points'
    health: 'hearts'
    hunger: 'hunger'
    and: 'and'
    none: 'No requirements'
  # If the construction using terms doesn't work for a language this can be overridden by setting override to true and setting the string
  override: false
  # All terms available as variables (e.g. {money})
  string: ''
# How time strings are formatted
# Variables:
#   - {s} seconds as a number
#   - {m} minutes as a number
#   - {h} hours as a number
#   - {d} days as a number
  seconds: '{s} seconds'
  minutes: '{m} minutes and {s} seconds'
  hours: '{h} hours, {m} minutes and {s} seconds'
  days: '{d} days, {h} hours, {m} minutes and {s} seconds'


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