Cloud Profile
Hate it how users can't be bothered to sign up on your website? Don't worry - CloudProfile is here! This plugin automatically creates a profile page on your website when players log in to your server. Players can even edit their profile, once they have set a password in-game. The plugin is [will be] fully customisable, with different features on your profile.
- Automatic website sign-up
- Profile editing once committed command /webpass <password> in game
- Nice easy 'Search Profile' bar to find your profile
Currently, as this project is in DEV, and has not yet officially been released, please note that they are not any current downloads. Dev. Download [Un-Supported builds] will be accessible through our GitHub Repository. Code for the website will also be available here.
How to Install
- Download & place the plugin in your /plugins directory & Restart your server.
- Go to the /plugins/CloudProfile directory, and edit the config files to allow connection to the MySQL database & any other amendments you wish to make
- Re-load the plugin
- Add the necessary code to your website, and edit the colour scheme if wanted. You need to specify the MySQL details to establish a connection. [Code coming soon]
- Enjoy!
To-Do [Upcoming Features]
- Add more information about the player
- Add administration & staff accounts
- See whether the player is online or offline
- Different themes for websites.
Test website and server
A development server & website have been setup and details will be posted here shortly.
if you need a dev, I sent you a pm
We've actually had quite a few problems :(
Ive still been searching for a developer who can code HTML/php and/or java, but im not having much luck! Ive asked around, but unfortunatly can't find many who arn't that busy.
Itl probably be out in a while........
When will the plugin be released?
yeah probably once bukkit has come out, and once weve finished dev the plugin.
I hope that you will make it compatible with minecraft 1.7.2
Hello, how long to the release of the plugin <3 ?
im not sure about that actually :P The plugins done but we need to intergrate a webserver into it, and the php &html files are almost done. I guess maybe about 2 weeks but im not totally sure to be exact. Contact autoit4you if you have a question about the development :D
Okey that is developping for me :D but when is the plugin release date
Well, the plugin will come with a set of web files, and I guess you could either embed the web files (which will be hosted on your server) into your wordpress or enjin website, or you can embed your wordpress or enjin site into the web files. ie You can embed this either way round. The developments kinda been hindered a bit because zwap has not logged in since the 5th august, but now autoit4you is working on it and is doing a great job. if your an experienced java programmer, please feel free to contact me if u want to help :)
Please make this support enjin
does it support wordpress ?
The plugins almost finished, and the webpage is too, almost done, but a user zwap1233 has not been on any means of contact since 15th august! check out a view of what its gonna look like:>> Click Here << If you are a developer, we may release the source code later, for you to edit!
when the plugin comming :?
In a way yes, in a way no - This plugin will generate a webpage and which will contain player information, and will be hosted by a webserver in this plugin. If you wish to incorporate it into xenforo, then you may embed it i believe, with an iframe
is this going to work in xenforo?
Hey, When do you think that you will release the plugin?
Sorry, I've Lost you? What do you mean? The plugin is being released when 1.6 comes out, most likly on the 7th of July, as it is a rather big plugin.
I shall translate that to english for you...
Dear Developers, I have been waiting for over a week for this plugin to be released, and I dearly ask that you release a development build, or some screenshots of the plugin. Kind regards from your favorite German, dragon1002
update: A version has been made, but is still going to be worked on a little bit
As minecraft 1.6 promises a lot of change in code, we've decided to wait until it is out, then continue to work on the plugin.
Hey, we're hoping to release it soon, possibly within the next few weeks. It may even be a fully fledged website plugin, with its own webserver, i really dont know :P Hope to see it on your server when its realesed :D