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ChronJobber allows you to schedule Console-Commands like "restart","say", etc...



Currently you can create five types of Chron-Jobs:

Interval-based-, daily-, weekly-, monthly- and yearly-jobs


The Interval based jobs will be triggered either every 5,10,15, 20 ,25,30 or 60 Minutes.

All Intervals will be rounded up on startup:

Means 5 Minutes intervalls triggers at XX:05 , XX:10 , XX:15 and so on.


The daily jobs get triggered only once per day they have to be determined in 24 hours format, and are like the interval based, only placeable in 5 minute-intervals,

like 1:45 , 2:10 , 2:05 etc..


Weekly-Jobs will trigger once per week on the specified Day of Week like Monday , Tuesday ,...


Monthly-Jobs trigger every Month on a specific day  for eg. at the 15. day of the month: it will trigger at 15th of January, 15th of February, 15 of March and so on.

Reminder: If you set the day to 31. the job will only trigger on months which have a 31st day.

And the Yearly-Jobs trigger once per year on a specific day, like birthdays. 

So far so good. 



Create Chronjob 


/chron add <minutes> interval <command>

* where <minutes> is 15 |30 or 60



/chron add <hours>:<minutes> clock <command>

* where <minutes> is 15 | 30 |45 or 00


/chron add <day_of_week>:<hours>:<minutes> week <command>

*week_day as text like 'Monday'


/chron add <day_of_month>:<hours>:<minutes> month <command>


/chron add <day_of_month>.<month>:<hours>:<minutes> year <command>


in all variants the command can be delimited with white space and should

NOT start or end with an apostroph or slash


List all Chronjobs

/chron list


Remove Chronjobs 

/chron remove <chronjob-id>

*<chronjob-id> :  you can see them at /chron list


Show Help Page:

/chron help




example for creating a chron job which will trigger 'say Hello World' at 4:15 am :

/chron add 4:15 clock say Hello World


example for creating a chron job which will trigger 'say Hello World' every 15 minutes:

/chron add 15 interval say Hello World


example for creating a chronjob which will trigger command "Happy new year!" on every new-years-day at 0:00 am

/chron add 1.01:00:00 year say Happy new year!


example for creating a chronjob which will trigger reload on begin of every month:

/chron add 1:00:00 month reload


example for creating a chronjob which will trigger reload on every Tuesday at 4:00 am :

/chron add Tuesday:04:00 week reload




To gain access to the commands you need the following Permissions: - Show Help Page

chron.add - Add Chronjobs

chron.remove - Remove Chronjobs

chron.list - List Chronjobs


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 23, 2019
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