Why have I ChgUsers abandoned?

Why have I ChgUsers abandoned?

I have created ChgUsers to fix the Vanish problem, that users didn't get removed from the Server Player List. When I coded it, I have learned a lot of interesting things. When I wanted to upload the fix for the sudo Command in CghUsers the file was rejected because of Obfuscation. They gave me two options:

  • Not obfuscate the Plugin, so that they can see the real Sources.
  • Discontinue the Plugin.

Because of my experience with misuse of this Plugin to cheat in Server Ranklists I won't put the Plugin Sources open to everyone(Serverlists can detect this Plugin). And because Vanish now self removes the vanished Players from the Player count, the only goal of this Plugin is gone.

Also because of the misuse I won't create a Bungeecord compability. I don't want to give people unfair advantages. See this: Bungeecord Change Online Players Amount

You can use the Plugin, but I won't update it anymore. Sorry guys.


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