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[What steps will reproduce the problem?]1. It would be nice if you can randomize the item to buy2.3.
[What is the expected output? What do you see instead?]I can't do this :D
[What version of the plugin are you using? (/csversion), "latest" is not an answer]3.8.12
[What version of the CraftBukkit are you using? (/version)]git-Bukkit-4a7472d (MC 1.8.8)
[What economy plugin are you using? (iConomy, BOSEconomy, etc? - include version as well)]Essentials
[If the defect involves other plugins, please include their names and versions below]...
[Do you have an error log of what happened? Check your console, server.log and messages you got through chat]...
[Please provide any additional information below.]
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