
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Fireworks, Teleporters, machines that make diamonds and more coming soon!

ChestBuilder allows a player to build structures using pre-set blueprints inside of a chest inventory. When the chest closes the items inside are matched against blueprint patterns and a structure is built using those materials.


ChestBuilder requires ChestDataBase be installed (although you don't need to use CDB unless you are using the teleporters).

How it Works

Place a single chest in the location you wish to build the structure (make sure the chest is facing the way you want the structure to face). The chest will probably need to be 1 or 2 blocks into the ground because the structure is usually built 1 block above the chest. Open the chest and put the key item into the key slot (slot 16, or the 2nd to last slot in the middle row). ChestBuilder uses the basic theory that each single chest is divided into 3 9 block grids. Most blueprints will use the first grid to build in (unless its wider than 3 blocks) and the last grid for configurations. They key slot is the middle slot in the far right grid. For machines you'll use a lever for a key, gunpowder for explosives, and an ender eye for teleporters.

After you get the key item in the slot place the required items in the far left grid according to the blueprints and close the chest. Once the chest closes you should here a loud bang and your structure should appear. If not then you might have put the wrong amounts of each item in the chest. You must have the exact amount in each item stack. Each blueprint will contain the exact amount of materials used for the structure, so you wont get any extra pieces by building something then breaking it down and you wont get robbed materials by using ChestBuilder. The "cost" of building a structure like this (besides the material costs of the structure) is 1 chest and the key item.

  • Note that structures will work if you build them manually and put the correct configuration inside of the chest, but this is mostly pointless. Some structure do hold somewhat valuable items in the chest for encoding values (potions). This will probably change when Minecraft 1.3 is released due to writable books. Players can craft a structure and look in the chest and pull out potions in some cases, this will stop the structure from functioning properly and chests should be worldguarded.

Current Blueprints

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 13, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 15, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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