ChessCraft v2.1.0


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  • Uploaded
    Dec 19, 2012
  • Size
    2.56 MB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.5-R1.0


v2.1.0 (19 Dec 2012)

  • Very large styles (e.g. "huge" or "yazpanda") may suffer from slow chunk updates with the vanilla Minecraft client, leading to poor board redraw performance. It is recommended to use the Optifine mod (or the Spoutcraft client, which includes Optifine), and experiment in particular with the "Chunk Updates per Frame" and "Dynamic Updates" video settings.
  • xboard protocol support should be considered experimental at this time - while the AI.yml file contains some definitions for xboard-base AI's, they are marked as disabled by default, so they won't be auto-picked as opponents. They can be explicitly invited, however, with e.g. /chess invite gnuchess1. xboard support has been tested successfully with the gnuchess and crafty engines.
  • Results database schema has changed a little, and previous game results will not be shown by /chess list top. However, keep a copy of your plugins/ChessCraft/data/results/results.db file - the next ChessCraft release will merge the old results from that file into the new plugins/ChessCraft/data/results/gameresults.db file. (I didn't have time to get that feature into v2.1.0)
  • MySQL database access is currently not multi-threaded, so be aware that a slow or unresponsive MySQL server may induce server lag. This will also be addressed in a near-future release.