
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


So I have recently gotten back into Minecraft and plan on re-doing this entire plugin to better allow integration for servers and other plugins, but I will start once this who DMCA is resolved and bukkit is being once actively updated again.

Title Current Available Version: 1.0.1
Version(s) Awaiting BukkitDev Approval: N/A

About the plugin

ChatProtection+ was created by me for another server, that was looking for a way to prevent spam bots from spamming their chat, and commands. ChatProtection+ eventually evolved from a simple anti-spam plugin to a more versatile plugin that allows server administrators the amount of capital letters a user is allowed to use in their messages. ChatProtection+ is still a growing plugin, and is open to suggestions!


  • Anti-Spam
  • AntiCommand-Spam
  • Limit Caps
  • Ban Spammers
  • Clear/Lock your chat
  • Configurable from a simple configuration file! - Configuration File
  • Message file to change messages to what you want! - Messages File
  • Open Source! - Github Page

How to Use

All you have to do is download the plugin from the "download" button to the right, and place it in you plugins folder. If you want to use permissions, and you do not already have Vault, then you will have to go download Vault and install it as well. The Configuration file will be created when the plugin first starts.

Permission Nodes

Permission NodeDescription
1cpp.adminAccess to /CPP command
2cpp.admin.*Access to /CPP command, and all sub-commands
3cpp.admin.reloadAccess to /CPP RELOAD sub-command
4cpp.admin.chatAccess to /CPP CHAT sub-command
5cpp.ignore.*Will make ChatProtection+ ignore the user on all flags let the user bypass the chat lock let the user bypass the anti-spam feature
8cpp.ignore.anticapsWill let the user bypass the maximum capital letters feature
9cpp.ignore.command.spamWill let the user bypass the command-spam feature


1/cppMain command
2/cpp reloadWill reload messages, and configuration file
3/cpp chat lockWill lock the chat
4/cpp chat clearWill clear the chat

Questions and Answers

Q: How does the Anti-Spam exactly work?
A: The Anti-Spam works in two ways. It prevents users/bots from repeating the same message over, and over, and over, but also compares the time of the previous message. If the message delay is too fast and falls within the red zone, the plugin will issue a infraction, and after a set amount of infractions it will either Kick or IP-Ban the spammer.

Q: Are admins notified of spammers when they spam?
A: Yes, if a spammer triggers the Anti-Spam, or AntiCommand-Spam; it will notify all administrators currently online.

Q: Is there permissions support?
A: Yes, there are 2 permission nodes currently. "cpp.admin", and "cpp.ignore"

Q: Is my {name} permissions plugin supported?!
A: This plugin uses Vault. It will support any permissions plugin that Vault does.

Q: I don't want to use Vault!
A: Alright, it is only set as a soft dependency. They plugin will still work without it, rather then use permissions it will resort to if the use is OP, or not.

A: Alright, alright. Calm down now. Please post a suggestion/feature you would like added, and if I feel it will benefit the plugin, and community as a whole I will add it.

German Tutorial Video

I would like to thank CraftTheParadise for this video.

Support the Author

I am just like everyone of you, I have to work, and make money, so that I can work on my projects. If you want to help buy me a meal, or me with a generous donation, it is graciously appreciated. I will update this plugin as much as I have time for, and get it ready for the new Bukkit releases. I will add new features when ever I have time, but money is always a great motivator to get me to work faster ;)



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