
#|-------------------Main plugin options---------------------|
# NotifyUser - This will notify the user when they trigger a flag in the plugin.
# NotifyAdmin - Will notify administrators when a user triggers a flag in the plugin.
  NotifyUser: true
  NotifyAdmin: true
#|-------------Toggle Features on and off.-------------------|
# AntiCaps - Turn the Anti Capital letters in chat feature off.
# AntiChatSpam - Turn the Anti Chat Spam on and off.
# AntiCommandSpam - Turn the Anti Command Spam on and off.
  AntiCaps: true
  AntiChatSpam: true
  AntiCommandSpam: true
#|-------Configuration are for the anti-caps system.---------|
# AllowedCapitalsPercent - This is the maximum percentage of capital letters allowed in a message.
  AllowedCapitalsPercent: 50
#|---------Configuration are for the anti-chat spam.---------|
# BanForSpam - Will ban the user for spamming chat. if false, it will kick the user.
# MillisecondsAllowedBetweenMessages - This is the maximum amount of miliseconds allowed between users messages.
# AllowedSpamInfractions - The amount of infractions a user is allowed to have before kicked/banned for spamming chat.
  BanForSpam: false
  MillisecondsAllowedBetweenMessages: 450
  AllowedSpamInfractions: 3
#|---------Configuration are for the anti-chat spam.---------|
# BanForSpam - Will ban the user for spamming commands. if false, it will kick the user.
# MillisecondsAllowedBetweenCommands - This is the maximum amount of miliseconds allowed between user commands.
# AllowedSpamInfractions - The amount of infractions a user is allowed to have before they are kicked/banned for spamming commands.
  BanForSpam: false
  MillisecondsAllowedBetweenCommands: 450
  AllowedSpamInfractions: 3


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