Commands and permissions

Commands and permissions


Info: This is the command for enable, disable an for clear the chat

Usage: /Chat <enable/disable/clear>

ce.Chat.Enable - Permission to use /Chat enable
ce.Chat.Disable - Permission to use /Chat disable
ce.Chat.Clear - Permission to use /Chat clear

All tree permissions are default for OP's
Note: When the chat is disabled only players with the permission ce.ChatWhileClosed can talk


Info: The welcome message command is for setting the message that players will see when they join the server. Supports color codes.

Usage: /WelcomeMessage <set/enable/disable>

Permission: ce.WelcomeMessage this is default for OP's


Info: The /Mute command is a punishment for players. When players are muted they can't talk in the chat. Since the release of 1.1.5 you can add a reason for muting.

Usage: /Mute <Player> [Reason]

Permission: ce.Mute this is default for OP's


Info: The chatfilter system if for filtering specific words out of the chat. The chatfilter command can be used to add or remove words form the chatfilter list.

Usage: /ChatFilter <add/remove> <word>

Permission: ce.ChatFilter this is default for OP's


Info: This command is for important messages. Players will see this message as [Broadcast]<Message>. Supports color codes.

Usage: /Broadcast <message>

Permission: ce.Broadcast this is default for OP's


Info: This command is for players who need help of a admin. If there are admins online they will receive a message.

Usage: /AdminHelp <message>

Permission: ce.AdminHelp this is default for everyone
Note: The permission to receive help messages is ce.AdminHelpMessage


Info: This command is used to toggle the adminchat. The adminchat is a chat who only players with permission can see and chat. If adminchat is enabled all the messages the players with permission type will go in to the adminchat. If you are in the admichat and you want to say something in the global chat just type # before your message.

Usage: /AdminChat

Permission: ce.AdminChat this is default for OP's
Note: With this permission you can use the command and also take place in the adminchat.


Info: New command added in version 1.1.3. This plugin has an color system. If you want to send a colored message in the chat but you don't know the codes then you can do /ColorCodes for a list of color codes.

Usage: /ColorCodes In chat: <ColorCode>Message

Permission: ce.ColorChat this is default for OP's
Note: With this permission you can do /ColorCodes and use color codes in the chat


Info: New function added in version1.1.3. If you want to broadcast repeating messages you can use /AutoBroadcast. first you will need to insert the delay. The command will get the delay in ticks so keep in mind that 20 ticks = 1 second. After that you need to enter or you want to use the default auto broadcast prefix so you need to enter true or false. The default prefix is [Auto-Broadcast]. After that you can type your message. And from then your message will be send every ... ticks. The auto broadcast function supports color codes.

Usage: /AutoBroadcast <delay in ticks> <use defaultprefix true/false> <message>

Permission: ce.AutoBroadcast this is default for OP's


Info: New in version 1.1.4. Trough the /Rule command you can view the rules. A player with permission can also set or remove rules.

Usage: /Rules [add/remove] [rule]

Permission: ce.Rules this is default for OP's


Info: New private message system. Added in the 1.1.5 update. With this command you can send private messages to players. Supports color codes.

Usage: /PrivateMessage <player> <message> or /pm <player> <message>

Permission: ce.PrivateMessage this is default for everyone

To place a comment go to the main ChatExtra page