
This configuration copy is for version 1.3.0.

# ===== ChatRange config.yml =====
# * If this config.yml is corrupted or lost, simply delete this file and
# start up the server. This file will be generated again for you.
# If this config.yml is updated, please get a new version by deleting
# this file, or copying from the
# website(
# * Use & for colour formatting. However, not every configurable will use it.

# ========================================
# ranges - Add your own custom range to the list. Use the following template:
# ........................................
# ranges:
# <name of range>: [Name of the range, be it global, local, whisper. This can be anything you want]
# description: [description of command, %range, %distance accepted]
# command: [command name, no spaces]
# aliases: [Different command names that can be used to trigger the command]
# - [alias]
# cross-dimension: [true/false; Should this range work across dimensions/worlds? If true, the distance is ignored]
# distance: [distance of how far can this chat range can reach, decimal allowed]
# colour: [colour code used to chat in]
# prefix: [prefix of the chat]
# permission: [permission required to run this command, blank for permission not required]
# ========================================
description: 'Changes your chat range to %range. [%distance]'
command: 'whisper'
- 'w'
cross-dimension: false
distance: 3
colour: '&8'
prefix: '[Whisper]'
permission: 'chatrange.range.whisper'
description: 'Changes your chat range to %range. [%distance]'
command: 'tell'
- 't'
cross-dimension: false
distance: 10
colour: '&7'
prefix: '[Tell]'
permission: 'chatrange.range.tell'
description: 'Changes your chat range to %range. [%distance]'
command: 'local'
- 'l'
cross-dimension: false
distance: 20
colour: '&f'
prefix: '[Local]'
permission: 'chatrange.range.local'
description: 'Changes your chat range to %range. [%distance]'
command: 'yell'
- 'y'
cross-dimension: false
distance: 50
colour: '&e'
prefix: '[Yell]'
permission: 'chatrange.range.yell'
description: 'Changes your chat range to %range. [%distance]'
command: 'alarm'
- 'a'
cross-dimension: false
distance: 150
colour: '&4'
prefix: '[Alarm]'
permission: 'chatrange.range.alarm'
description: 'Changes your chat range to %range. [%distance]'
command: 'province'
- 'p'
cross-dimension: false
distance: 500
colour: '&3'
prefix: '[Province]'
permission: 'chatrange.range.province'
description: 'Changes your chat range to %range. [%distance]'
command: 'global'
- 'g'
cross-dimension: true
colour: '&b'
prefix: '[Global]'
permission: ''

# ========================================
# emotes - Add your own custom emote to the list. Use the following template:
# ........................................
# emotes:
# <name of emotes>: [Name of the emote. This can be anything you want]
# description: [Description of command, %range, %distance accepted]
# command: [Command name, no spaces]
# range: [Name of range this emote belongs to, must be declared above]
# aliases: [Different command names that can be used to trigger the command]
# - [alias]
# prefix: [prefix of the chat]
# permission: [permission required to run this command, blank for permission not required]
# ========================================
description: 'Sends an emote at the %range range.'
command: 'me'
range: 'local'
- 'emote'
- 'emotelocal'
colour: '&f'
prefix: '[Local]'
permission: 'chatrange.emote.local'
description: 'Sends a global emote. Everyone can see this regardless of dimensions.'
command: 'meg'
range: 'global'
- 'emoteglobal'
colour: '&5'
permission: ''

# ========================================
# default-range - The default range new players will be in upon joining.
# ========================================
default-range: global

# ========================================
# no-recipients-alert - Alert the player when their messages are not reaching anyone.
# ========================================
no-recipients-alert: true

# ========================================
# alias-single - Sets if using the alias of the range would only send a single message to that channel instead of setting it as default range
# true - Using alias would only send a single message in their respective range and revert back
# false - Using alias would act as their command counterpart, changing their range
# ========================================
alias-single: false

# ========================================
# change-message - The message that will be sent to the player which have changed their chat range.
# no-recipient - The message sent when players' chat are not reaching anyone.
# no-permission - The message sent to the player when they do not have permission to use the command.
# ========================================
change-message: '&6Your range have been set to %range&6.'
no-recipient: '&7No players within %range&7 have received your message.'
no-permission: '&4Sorry! You do not have the permissions to run this command!'

# ========================================
# log-range - Log ranges specified above to console upon launch
# log-emote - Log emotes to console upon launch
# ========================================
log-range: true
log-emote: true

# ========================================
# chat-format - The format of the chat that should be used when players chat
# * Supported tags
# - %old (The previous format set by other plugins or Bukkit, useful for simple appending)
# - %playername (Name of the message sender, the player)
# - %message (The original message made by the player)
# - %prefix (Prefix of the range as set above)
# - %colour (Colour of the range)
# ========================================
chat-format: '%prefix <%playername> %colour%message'

# ========================================
# emote-format - The format of the emote that should be used
# * Supported tags
# - %playername (Name of player which sent the emote)
# - %message (The emote message)
# - %prefix (Prefix of the emote)
# - %colour (Colour of the range)
# ========================================
emote-format: '%colour* %prefix &r%playername&r %colour%message'