- The prefix for all messages from ChatManager.
Prefix: '&3&l(ChatManager)&b&o'
- The access denied message (Does use the Prefix).
No Access Message: '&c&oYou do not have access!'
- This is the message when someone tries to chat during a Chat Lock (Does use the Prefix).
Chat Locked Message: '&c&oSorry, %displayname%, but a chat is currently locked!'
- This is the message broadcasted when chat becomes locked (Does use the Prefix).
Chat Lock Enable Message: '&3&o%sender%&b&o has locked chat!'
- This is the message broadcasted when chat becomes unlocked (Does use the Prefix).
Chat Lock Disable Message: '&3&o%sender%&b&o has unlocked chat!'
- The message broadcasted after chat is cleared (Does use the Prefix).
Clear Chat Message: '&3&o%displayname%&b&o has cleared chat!'
- The format for /broadcast and /bc (Does not use the Prefix).
Broadcast Format: '&3&l(ChatManager) &b%msg%'
- The format for /staffchat and /sc (Does not use the Prefix).
Staff Chat Format: '&d[SC] %displayname%&d: %msg%'
- The format for /CmdSpy (Does not use the Prefix).
Command Spy Format: '&e[CS] %displayname%&e: %msg%'
- If set to true, the AntiSwear filter will be enabled. If set to false, it will not be enabled.
Anti Swear Filter: true
- If set to true - users will recieve a msg saying they can't swear.
- If set to false - the message will just be cancelled.
Anti Swear Msg Send: true
- Anti Swear Message (Does use the Prefix).
Anti Swear Message: '&c&oPlease do not swear, &4&o%sender%.'
- Words to block | Please do not use more than one word per line.
- Unicorns