

Have you wanted to share the challenge map experience with your friends on your server? Have you tried it but had issues with the challenges not being truely separate? Do you wish the game would track weather or not you have completed the objectives? Well, you have come to the right place! ChallengeMaps does just that!

ChallengeMaps provides server administrators with the framework to host various challenges on their server. They can be custom or one of the prebuilt challenges that are provided for you! Each player gets their own instance of the challenge that nobody else can mess with! When that player isn't actively working on their challenge its unloaded from the server resources! Keeping things light and efficient!

This plugin is no longer supported, until further notice :)

This is very much alpha software! It is not recommended to run this on a production server!

If you are interested in picking up this project to move it forward, please PM jblaske

What if i have a problem?

Just create an issue ticket over here.

How does it work?

A server admin sets up a challenge map entrance somewhere in the world (you can have multiple entrances to the same challenge.) Players then access the challenge from the entrances made by the server admin. That's it, it's that simple!

What Can I Do With ChallengeMaps?

You can put together your own challenges, maybe make a maze or platformer style map, and disallow building and breaking blocks then see who can make it thru!
Or maybe you want to see who can finish SkyBlock1.1 the fastest?
The possibilities are endless!

How Do I Use It?

Step 1: Create your own challenge, or use on of the challenges provided below.
Step 2: Add an entrance to the challenge.
Step 3: That's It!

That's it?! Really?

It sure is, that's all you have to do! Creating your own challenge is much more involved of course.

What other plugins does this leverage?

Spout is required to track inventory and crafting changes.

What permissions are available?

There are 4 permissions available for ChallengeMaps:

challengemaps.* - This gives full access to ChallengeMaps
challengemaps.admin - This allows players to create and modify challenge entrances.
challengemaps.enter - This allows players to enter challenge maps through the entrances created by admins.
challengemaps.reset - This allows players to reset their challenge if they so desire.

What are the commands for this crazy thing?

/cm leave or /leave - will remove a player from their current instance, and put them back in the 'real world'
/cm obj - will list out the players objectives for the current instance they are in
/cm reset - will reset a players instance, you need to provide the instance name, and the player cannot be within the instance.
/cm score - displays the players current score for the instance they are in.


  • Per player instances of challenge maps.
  • Configurable access to the features of the plugin.
  • Framework to design your own challenges.
  • Tracking of objective progress.
  • Many more that would be silly to list!
  • High score tracking and display at challenge map entrances.
  • Spectators.
  • More objective tracking possibilities.
  • Group based challenges.

How do you install a ready to use challenge?

Just unzip the folder into the 'maps' folder of your ChallengeMaps folder. (i.e. the path to the skyblock map.yml file should be \ChallengeMaps\maps\SkyBlock1.1\map.yml)

How do groups work?

  • First you will need a group map installed, below is a link to a group version of skyblock 1.1
  • Then you need to create an entrance to that new group map.
  • Then you create a group: /cm group create <GroupName> <MapName> (example: /cm group create testgroup groupskyblock)
  • Now you are the leader of a group, and can enter the group entrance.
  • Once you are inside the instance, you can start to invite people: /cm group invite <GroupName> <PlayerName> (example: /cm group invite testgroup jblaske)
  • You can specify more than one user to invite, just seperate their names with a space.
  • Putting a minus (-) in front of a players name, will remove their invitation to the group.
  • Thats the basics of it, more will come as groups flesh out better.

Ready to use Challenges:

[SURV] SkyBlock 1.1 - The challenge we all know and love, designed by Noobcrew on

[SURV][GROUP] GroupSkyBlock - The challenge we all know and love that allows more than one person at a time, designed by Noobcrew on


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 11, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Oct 20, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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