
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Hello! I've been playing on a server that used to use AxelDios's ChairStairs. There were some problems with some of the ways the plugin worked, but some of the biggest problems have been fixed with this fixed version. This plugin should work well in servers all the way from 1.7 to this day, and presumably, this should keep on working in the future.


##### Important

Legacy-mode added.

Please see troubleshooting if you have any problems and see what I've written about different config settings.


The plugin has also a command /sit, which requires permission "chairs2.sit". It allows you to sit anywhere you want, but as a downside to this, you will float almost a block in the air. Yes yes, it sucks, but I haven't had time to create a better method for sitting anywhere.


Also a nice feature, you should be able to hit players off the chairs, or "push" as we call it. At least with a blaze rod. You can't teleport if you're in a chair.


This plugin is translated from Finnish, so if you come across any Finnish, please notify me, and I might fix it. I am uploading this here just for others to use, not to add any more work for me.





- stairs
- minecraft:air
- sign
UpsideDown: false
RemoveSpectralDmg: true
Range: 0
SitDownMessage: You sit down.
Cooldown: 5
BlazeRodPush: true
Arrow: Spectral
Legacy: false


"Chairs" is used to set the blocks you can sit on. Just by typing "stairs" it should allow sitting on every stairblock in the game, but to just allow sitting on oak stairs, for example, could be done by typing "minecraft:oak_stairs" or "oak_stairs".


"AboveChairs" is used to check the block above the stairs is compatible. As default the plugin allows only sitting on chairs that have absolutely nothing above them. If there's even a sign there, you can't sit down. But for example signs are small and won't obscure your vision, so you could allow signs by adding them on the list with "sign" or "minecraft:sign".  This list is only included there because without that list you could glitch yourself inside a block and xray caves. But if for some reason you would want to be able to sit down without ever checking if there's a block above the chair, you can add "- :" into the config, and that should allow sitting down with anything above you. 


"UpsideDown" is only there to enable or disable sitting on stairs that are upside down. As default it's disabled, because why would you want to sit on an upside-down chair?


"RemoveSpectralDmg" this is included so you can disable or enable spectral arrows. As default Spectral Arrow damage and effect is disabled(It's actually enabled because I'm stupid) because this plugin uses spectral arrows as the chair. Yes, the magic is lost because I spoiled the trick. This plugin is made to be used on an RPG server in Finland and we found annoying that we saw an arrow in the bottom of the chair, so we made a fix to this. Our fix is that the RPG server uses a resource pack with an invisible texture for spectral arrows. This server doesn't use spectral arrows, and for now, this plugin will. I might update this plugin so that you can change the arrow in the config in the future, but for now, you'll have to make a do. If the damage is enabled, you can get hit by the chair and become a glowing character for a few seconds.

(True = damage&effect enabled, false = damage&effect disabled)


"Range" means the distance where you can reach the chair to sit down. As default it is 0, and as 0 it uses Minecraft's default reaching range. Around 4-5 blocks I guess. 


"SitDownMessage" this is the message command /sit displays. I added this here to have more compatibility with other languages too. And also I have added more aliases to /sit command so that it works with more languages. I added French, German, Finnish, Swedish, Russian and Polish aliases to this command, so you can have your server language-friendly to your own players. Color of this command is as default light green, but I guess you can meddle with color codes.


"Cooldown" is in seconds. As a default, it is 5, just because the original server this plugin is for required 5 seconds to stop players from glitching jailing with chairs, but you can make this longer or shorter, depending on your requirements. THIS COOLDOWN ALSO AFFECTS BLAZE ROD HITTING COOLDOWN


"BlazeRodPush" is there if you wish to disable pushing players off from chairs.(As a default, it should be enabled. If it doesn't work, just change this config.) If you have a pvp situation chair can be pretty op, because with a chair you can basically disable knockback to you, but with a blaze rod someone can knock you off a chair. If blaze rod push is enabled, blaze rod will get a cooldown to hitting if you hit someone in any case. Off a chair, down a mountainside, into a river, whatever, you will get a cooldown.


"Arrow" (Settings: Spectral/Normal) allows you to change the arrow you sit on. Now you don't need to have the spectral arrows disabled to have a chair that doesn't make you glow like a glowstone. Normal arrows are good if you don't care about the visible arrow and need to have spectral arrows enabled, but if you wish to have invisible arrows, then I suggest that you make an invisible arrow texture for spectral arrows and use them. It's tricky I know.


"Legacy" I added legacy-mode as a fix to a new problem I've met with the 1.14 stairs. If you have any trouble in the future, I suggest you try changing legacy-mode to true. The old mechanic I had checked what material player was holding, but the new mechanic is a bit messy. I'm not sure if this new mechanic works in older or newer versions of Bukkit or Spigot, so the first step to troubleshooting would be changing this setting.


And a bug I know of is that you will get a cooldown for hitting people if you hit someone with a blaze rod. Haven't had time to fix this and probably will never have. I might change the cooldown to be modifiable in the config, so you can change the cooldown to 0 if you wish. It's supposed to stop players from sitting back down if you want to teleport him from the chair.


What makes this different?

- This plugin is very modifiable. It also features the usage of new item IDs, so this plugin is light for the server and will keep on working far in the future. Just leave a comment if something is not modifiable enough and I might take a look into it.



If you have any trouble in the version 1.6.7 try changing "legacy"-mode in the config. Also if you have updated this from older versions to newer, I suggest copying the config from here or deleting your config.yml in "Chairs2"(./plugins/Chairs2) folder. Also, legacy-mode should be lighter for the server, but it has some tiny trouble with the new 1.14 stairs.


If keeping this project appears to be too much trouble for me, I might desert it or just delete it from existence.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 28, 2019
  • Last Released File
    May 30, 2019
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