Chained Op


Chained Op allows the server manager to prevent commands they deem should never be called from being called. These commands are given to ops by default through various plugins or even shipped with bukkit that could result in admin abuse, prevent the server from running normally, or even prove to be used as a means to hurt the server as a whole.

How to use it

Chained Op allows you to do a few things. You can completely disable commands from being used, as well as prevent certain parameters from being used. This means you can not only stop people from using commands, but keep commands and specifically target the parameters you deem unsafe or abusive. Using Chained op is easy, you can add and remove items by either opening the config, and using the examples as a guide to adding and removing your own restrictions. You can also use a permissions plugin to give a permission group access to the in-game commands (note: you must use a permission plugin, ops can not use them by default due to the nature of the plugin.)


When you open your configuration file your going to see these three fields:




Commands Commands is the full command restriction, anything put in here will be unusable as a whole, chained op ships with "/stop" as an example command. If you want to still use the command but only want to stop a few parts of them then this is not the field to add the command to.

SpecificCommands these are the parameter blockers, you simply put in the command like you would for normal command restriction except you continue to add field, then all you have to do is keep adding the field you don't want. Chained Op ships with the "/give" command as an example of how it can be used to prevent players from using it to obtain bedrock.

Message This is the message the player will receive when trying to use a command that you have blocked.

Configuration Shortcuts

I currently only have one shortcut:


%p This will substitute the player who called the commands name, use this to prevent them from giving themselves things they shouldn't in game.


  • /chop reload -Reloads the config file
  • /chop add -Adds a restriction
  • /chop del -Deletes a restriction


  • chainedop.* -Grants all permissions
  • chainedop.override -Allows the user to use all restricted commands
  • chainedop.reload -Allows the user to reload the configuration
  • chainedop.add-Allows the user to add a restriction
  • chainedop.del-Allows the user to delete a restriction


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 24, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 27, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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