Celestial Commands

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Celestial is a Bukkit Plug-in that will add many more basic commands and features to Bukkit. Celestial was primarily going to be a custom Plug-in for my server, but I decided to work on a public version. Celestial is mainly for Administrators, but adds features that can be used by players. I plan to add many features including ranks, economy, something like worldedit, and a S.S.P. version once 1.3 comes out. I will be updating this frequently once I get my main P.C. fixed (which will happen in the week), so don't worry about the lack of commands at the moment.

Version: InDev 0.1


  • /celestial - Basic info, don't think it works yet;
  • /ignite <player> - Sets fire to the target player;
  • /kill <player> - Kills the target player;
  • /suicide - Kills the user;


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