[CC] BlockScripts


Clever Command

how to install

:: //www.iconfinder.com/data/icons/142-mini-country-flags-16x16px/32/flag-usa2x.png" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.iconfinder.com/data/icons/142-mini-country-flags-16x16px/32/flag-usa2x.png" width="32" height="22" /> :: ::

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BlockScripts provides you the abbility to place commands on blocks. A block can have as many lines as you want. The lines are under each other, they are counted from 1. You can use this index in commands as links to the line. The executions goes from up to down, and executes all commands. If error occurs it will be printed ingame and the process will stop. In the commands you can use the <player> tag, which will be replaced on each execution, use cc script commands and you can use any feature of the cc plugin.


Snippets are list of lines. A snippet item is named "&rSnippet" and its lore contains the lines themselves. Later, you will be able to use these items on the environment, such as clicking on a block and addings the lines to it. The main purpose of the snipets is that they are simple mc items without any specific stuff like NBT or Metadata modifications, so they can be stored anywhere, and every plugin works with it as a simple item. Because it is. The other and more active purpose is that snippet items can be placed into Scripting Workbenches.


After built a script in a Scripting Workbench you can export your creation into script form. Scripts are more complex version of snipets, the lines cannot be seen, because there can be hundreds of lines, and it would be hard to show visually the mechanich in a simple item lore. Scripts can be runned and can be used to register them as parametered commands. In this way, you will be able to register your own commands ingame. To do this you will need the CommandBank addon, which is not written yet.



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  • Created
    Feb 20, 2015
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