

What is CashControl?

CashControl is an extremely lightweight plugin that allows you to control every aspect of the economy for both monsters and players. It will give you the power to let your players kill monsters for money or even kill players for money.


  • Gain money by killing different monsters {Configurable}
  • Gain money by killing players {Configurable}
  • Killing monsters can either give you a constant rate of cash (Chicken = $5) or a random number in between 2 numbers (Chicken = $5-10). Meaning that there can be decimals. {Configurable}
  • Killing players can either give you a constant rate of cash (Player a = $5) or a random number in between 2 numbers (Player a = $5-10). Meaning that there can be decimals. {Configurable}
  • A new stealing function where if player a kills player b, player a gains an amount of cash and player b loses that same amount. {Configurable}
  • A new fining function where if player a kills player b, player a will lose money. {Configurable}
  • Players can gain a percentage of someone's balance. If you set it in the config as 50% and some player has 100, then the killer will get 50. {Configurable}

Plugin Setup

  1. Download Vault.jar
  2. Download CashControl.jar and put it into your 'Plugins' folder.
  3. Start your server up.
  4. Close server and go into CashControl folder and configure.
  5. Enjoy!


  • cashcontrol.playerkill (Group that gains cash from killing players)
  • cashcontrol.monsterkill (Group that gains cash from killing monsters)


Configuration can be found here.

Upcoming Features

  • The ability to add a delay to the players that already killed each other. So in other words, if player a killed player b, then with this upcoming feature, they can not gain any money by killing each other until the delay is over {Configurable}

Those are the only features that I can think of to come, comment for some suggestions you might want. Have fun!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 17, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 23, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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