Allow your players to fight over control of almost any portal!
Important Notice
I no longer have the time to continue supporting this plugin.
The source is freely available on github so feel free to continue developing the project.
It's been fun working on this project and it tought me quite a few things. Thank you for your patience and understanding if you're still using this plugin.
- Allows admins to limit access to Nether Portals.
- Capture and cooldown time are specifiable in the yml file.
- Messages are displayed when the portal is almost available or being captured, also configurable in the yml file.
- Teams are adjustable by using Permissions, Factions, Clans (SimpleClans), Towns (Towny) and Gods (Gods plugin)
- Every supported plugin has it's own setting in the config and only 1 at a time can be enabled so "enabletownysupport" OR "enablesimpleclanssupport", etc.
- Besides Nether Portals, it also supports Ender portals, Wormholes and Stargates
- All messages are configurable through the config.yml
- As an OP you can reload CTP by running: /capturetheportal reload
- Captures are registered so, when the server reboots, groups won't have to recapture the portal (set "persistcapture" to false to disable that)
- Full Clan names can be enabled by setting "fullgroupnames" to true in the config. That way it will use the Clan's full name in stead of the short tag.
- Vault is supported and mandatory when running CTP with "permissionssupport" to true
How it Works
First, as an admin, you build a white wool 5x5 platform and place a stone pressure plate in the middle. You then create a Nether Portal* on top of the platform next to the pressure plate.
Then as a player with team permissions, or as a member of a Faction, you stand on the pressure plate to Capture the Portal for your team/Faction. The wool will change to the capturing team's color and all members of the enemy team/Faction will be kicked out of the Nether and sent to spawn!
This plugin also supports Wormhole X-Treme portals, End Portals, Stargates (from the Stargate plugin), Multiverse Portals and Creative Gates. Simply place a wool block next to the dialer (for Wormhole X-Treme), Endportal frame, Stargate, MV Portal or Creative Gate and put a stone plate on top.
Permission Nodes
If you have Permission support enabled the following nodes can be used:
- CaptureThePortal.COLOR (Replace "COLOR" with any wool colors [red, blue, gold, light purple, yellow, green, dark gray, gray, dark purple, dark blue, dark green, black] to assign players to a team)
- CaptureThePortal.neutral (for neutral players and admins)
When you use another group plugin, permission nodes are not relevant.
Config Options
For an explanation of the various config options in the config.yml, please see this page.
My thanks goes out to Devinish for making this page easy to read and look cool.
Like this plugin? Consider donating :)
Any amount is more than welcome and allows me to stay caffeinated.
You are right, it did not work right with Factions.
I fixed it in 2.1.3 which is waiting for approval.
I have vault and boseconomy but its dont work.
Please make sure you have Vault and an Economy plugin installed. A good example of an Economy plugin is BOSEconomy but there are plenty others.
Hey how it works with rewards? I want that my player get money if they capture a Portal. How it works? Because rewardaftercooldown is 100 but if I capture a Portal i dont get money
Put one Wool block next to the ender portal and put a stone plate on top. And make sure you have "enableEndersupport" set to "true" in your config.yml.
How to make Ender portal to capture with Nether everything works, but with Ender idk.
Created a ticket based on your comment here.
As I'm currently pretty busy I will probably not be able to make this within days but I'm definitely interested in adding it to CTP. So keep an eye on that ticket for updates :)
How about looking at x sign and typing /ctp sign?
or maybe putting a sign on either side of the nether portal would do it? something like this?
It would be possible to print that on a sign, yes. But how would CTP know which sign to print it on? Do you think registering the sign with say ... redstone is a good idea?
Would it be possible in a future update to be able to make a sign that would display the nation currently in control of the nether? something like: [Nether Controlled By] NATION NAME
That is true which is my bad.
I've fixed it in the next release which you can grab from here until it's approved by the Bukkit team.
Let me know if that fixes your issue.
I have already set the end config variable to false, still... people have been getting kicked out of the end when any other person from a clan enters it, regardless of not having any capture-able end portals.
Yup, that fixed it!
Thanks! :)
In the pictures it looks like you have it set up like:
(plus sign is a white wool block, o is the portal, and p is the pressure plate)
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
o o o o +
+ + p + +
+ + + + +
(thanks to Daniel for the notation :P)
But it should look like this, with the pressure plate in the middle:
+ + + + +
o o o o +
+ + p + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
You can also look at the pictures which are all the way at the top of this page.
It's a localhost server, I test all my plugins before applying them to my main server(s)
But here's pictures:
And second:
Hummm, that looks OK. Could you post a screenshot of how your portal is set up? Or post the IP so I can have a look?
Startup log:
Could you post your config.yml and startup log?
100% positive. When i try to enter the portal i get the message that i cant because my team has not captured it.
When i stand on pressure plate no reaction.
Are you absolutely certain you setup the config correctly and placed a 5x5 white wool platform with the activated nether portal 1 block in and the pressure plate in the middle of the platform?
Like so (plus sign is a white wool block, o is the portal, and p is the pressure plate).