Capture Front

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Capture Front is a new plugin that adds much more functionality to teamplay and pvp in minecraft smp. It revolves around the creation of teams [they can be permanent or fixed by admins for rp purposes] that can set up primary headquarters in any area they choose as long as it is not under the sphere of influence of any other team. What makes this plugin truly revolutionary and different then other factions plugins is that you will be able to compete for capture points set up by admins throughout the map in order to gain territory as well as supplies. The way it works is that there will be two types of capture points allocated throughout the map:

  • Primary Capture Point- When captured by a team it enables that team to have a secondary spawn point in that location to get into combat faster rather than walking all the way from primary headquarters. This adds a much more fast pace environment to pvp whilst still retaining the overall strategic/campaign feel factions plugins usually have.
  • Secondary Capture Point- When captured by a team it can either heal you or give you supplies depending on the configuration. It is a work in progress but this is the jist of it's purpose.

Therefore admins can set up primary and secondary capture points based on their liking and have teams battle it out on both a very tactical level, as well as in a sophisticated strategic sense. You can definitely say this plugin was influenced by games like battlefield 1942 and star wars battlefront since it preforms similar functions, however it is in a much larger scale so that factions can actually wage real wars. Also when Capture points are taken they will be announced and can have custom names, so that players will know what has fallen and who captured what. With this we may add a functionality to dynmap so that people can see capture points and their names on the map. This however is debatable.

Why choose this over Factions?

Factions is a good plugin, but the main problem with it is that it is solely based on casualty rates which is in a sense unreal. It thus relies on a very tactical point of view and doesn't open a new scope in minecraft. With Capture Front you are immersed in a much more strategic way of thinking in which teams/factions have to actually weigh the pros and cons of capturing a certain Capture Point. If you want a Pvp frenzy then I would suggest factions, but if you want full scale operational warfare seen in many games that isn't simply hit-kill-runaway then I definitely suggest you get this!


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