
companies logo

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What is it?

Companies is a trading plugin, allowing players to create their own company, employ other players in the company, settings wages for them, employees can then either do jobs for other companies who can pay the working company, or they can produce items to stock company chest shops to earn the company money.

How does it work

A player creates a company, they can then deposit money into the company to get started or withdraw it from the company bank. The player as owner can then set their own wages to be paid automatically, and if they wish they can employ another player. The player can work and see their own rank and wages, they can also stock the company shops up, but the initial company creator as owner can sack the employee, change wages, change rank (making them owner as well if they wish) and disband the company. Companies can also pay out all profits as dividends shared between the employees.


  • Company creation and management
  • Company chest shops
  • Employee hiring
  • Payment from companies to players and other companies
  • Wages & dividends paid to employees


One way of the company making money is by selling goods, to create a chest shop first place a chest down, then above the chest place a wall sign with the following on it:

1st line - [company] 2nd line - The company name ( putting not your company name will break the sign) 3rd line - The amount all products in the chest will be sold at (must be integer) 4th line - Anything you like

byte shops

The top line should turn gold and provide you with a success message. Company employees can open the chests and take and deposit goods as a normal chest.


If a non employee opens the chest they will see the products but clicking on them will purchase the item, sending the money to the company bank.


The owner of a company can hire employees to help with their company. The owner has the option to hire, sack, change wages, or change rank of player to owner, accountant or manager.

  • Owner: can do anything to company hire fire disband or access bank
  • Manager: Can hire or fire employees and create company shop signs
  • Accountant: Can access the bank details and pay companies and players from the company bank

The employee can choose to leave a company at any time


Each employee has a wage from their company, this is set per player by the owner and paid automatically each Minecraft week ( 7 MC days - configurable in config), an owner can also choose to set his wagetype to percentage, where at payday the amount in the company bank (after wages) is then divided up between all the players (encouraging more work :) )

If a company cannot pay its employees then the employee and owner are notified.


In most cases /company can be shortened to /co


  • /company help - display commands
  • /company info - display your company and employee info
  • /company accept - accept a job offer
  • /company decline - decline a job offer
  • /company list - List all companies
  • /company tp <company> - check teleport cost for that company
  • /company tp <company> confirm - teleport to company HQ
Company owners
  • /company start <name> - start a new company
  • /company disband - Disband your company and sack all employees
  • /company leave - Resign from your company
  • /company set - Set company settings
  • /company set wagetype <fixed/percentage>- set company wages to just fixed or shared between employees
  • /company set trading <true/false>- Set company trading or not currently trading
  • /company employee - Change employee settings, hire and sack, employees
  • /company employee hire <player> <wage> - Offer a job to a player with a set wage
  • /company employee wage <amount> - Set a players fixed wage
  • /company employee rank <employee/owner> - set an employee's rank within the company
  • /company employee list - List all your company's employees
  • /company employee sack <player> <pay> - Sack an employee with redundancy pay (0 = nothing)
  • /company pay <player/company> <name> <amount> - Pay another company or player
  • /company bank - show bank and wage info
  • /company bank withdraw <amount> - withdraw money from company bank
  • /company bank deposit <amount> - deposit money into company bank


  • /company reload - Reload config
  • /company version - display version
  • /company debug - toggle console debugger
  • /company edit - edit another companies settings
  • /company edit <company> wagetype <fixed/percentage>- set another companys wages to just fixed or shared between employees
  • /company edit <company> trading <true/false>- Set another company trading or not currently trading


  • company.admin - use all commands including admin commands
  • company.reload - allow reloading plugin
  • company.debug - allow toggle debug mode
  • - allow use of teleport to HQ
  • company.audit - allow user to see other company accounts details


  • company.use - use all normal player commands listed below
  • company.start - allow starting companies
  • company.disband - allow disbanding companies
  • company.set - allow setting company details
  • allow using company bank bank
  • - allow paying from company bank
  • - allow paying from company
  • company.leave - allowed to leave company
  • company.employee - allow managing company employees
  • - allow creating company shop sign

*NOTE some of the above commands even though players may have perm they still need to be company owner.*


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 6, 2016
  • Last Released File
    May 7, 2021
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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