BuyPlots /Messages file (+ translations)

By default BuyPlots uses english language which is included with plugin.

Below you can download messages file translated to other languages.

If you want to share your own translation pm me and I'll add it.


Polish: Download


After download rename "messages-XX.yml" to "messages.yml" and put into plugins/BuyPlots


Default messages:


# BuyPlots 1.1 Messages File
# Spaces are important if you want to have text correctly formated.

NoPermission: "You don't have permission to do this."
MustPlayer: "This command must be run by player."
MustNumber: "You must put a number!"
MustGroupId: "You must put a groupId!"
UnknownGroupId: "This group id wasn't found."
Error: "An error occurred."
FinalPrice: "Final price: "
NotEnoughMoney: "You don't have enough money. You need: "
Success1: "You have successfully bought new plot for: "
Success2: "Use /plot claim or /plot auto to get plot."
NotAvailable: "You don't have this number of available plots."
PluginDisabled: "Plugin is disabled."
PluginReloaded: "Plugin reloaded."
PluginActivated: "Plugin has been activated. You can deactivate it by typing "
PluginDeactivated: "Plugin has been deactivated. You can activate it by typing "
GlobalDiscountActivated: "Global discount has been activated. You can deactivate it by typing "
GlobalDiscountDeactivated: "Global discount has been deactivated. You can activate it by typing "
GlobalDiscountSet: "Global discount has been set to: "
GroupDiscountActivated: "Group discount has been activated. You can deactivate it by typing "
GroupDiscountDeactivated: "Group discount has been deactivated. You can activate it by typing "
GroupDiscountSet: "Group discount has been set to: "
What: "What you want to do?"
Cancel1: "An error occurred, cannot continue."
Cancel2: "Make sure you have all plots claimed and try again."
Cancel3: "See: /bp info"
Cancel4: "You've got back your money."
For: "for "
    YouHave: "You have: "
    BasicPrice: "New plot costs: "
    GlobalDiscountActive: "There is active global discount: "
    GroupDiscountActive: "You have active group discounts: "
    Desc1: "If you want to buy new plot, type "
    Desc2: "Use this command only if you have all available plots already claimed."
    Desc3: "Buy process will increase your plot limit by 1."