How to

How to set buttons:

The command depends on wheather Vault is installed or not:

With Vault
  1. type (buttoncontrol.set Permission needed)
    • /buttoncontrol <sunny/rain/thunder/day/night> <Money> <Receiver>
    • /bc <sunny/rain/thunder/day/night> <Money> <Receiver>
    • <Receiver> is the person who gets the money whenever some uses the button/pressureplate
  2. You´ll get a message "Press a button!"
  3. Do what the message says. Press the button/pressure plate which should become the rain/thunder/stop/day/night button.
  4. If you get an other message, the creation was succesfull
Without Vault
  1. type (buttoncontrol.set Permission needed)
    • /buttoncontrol [sunny/rain/thunder/day/night] <amount> <item>
    • /bc [sunny/rain/thunder/day/night] <amount> <item>
  2. You´ll get a message "Press a button!"
  3. Do what the message says. Press the button/pressure plate which should become the rain/thunder/stop/day/night button.
  4. If you get an other message, the creation was succesfull

How to remove buttons:

Destroy them ingame and they´r gone. (if you have permission to do so)

How to use buttons:

  1. (only without Vault) Take the required items in your inventory.
  2. Click the button./Walk on the pressure plate.
  3. You get a message and your "money" was take away
  4. Look at the sky -> the weather/time changed


To set Buttons: buttoncontrol.set To destroy Buttons : buttoncontrol.destroy To use buttons: -day: -night: buttoncontrol.time.night -sunny: -rain: -thunder:


Default conig file:

Cooldown: 0 //time in sec you have to wait befor an button can be pressed again
Buttons: []          //DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING HERE (exept you know what you do)
Duration:              //how long the changed weather MUST be in secounds(if not changed again)
    thunder: 10
    rain: 10
    sun: 10
messages:  //a lot of configurable messages