
" Notch joined the game. "
" jeb_ left the game. "
" jeb_ joined the game. "

Tired of getting these messages on your Hub server?
Or just wanted a quiet environment that people will giveaway secret gifts?

Here's the plugin for ya!
BungeeNoMsg is those want to turn off the messages on Hub server.

* None.

* None.

Notice about this plugin:
This plugin is TOTALLY green!
It means NO necessary to update once the new CB released.
But you'll need to if the Bukkit team rewrote the EventAPI mechanism...
For now, there's no necessary to hurry for an update.

PS: Donation is always welcome.

For those who spamming my inbox, here's the installation method:

  1. Download the file from the download page.
  2. Throw it into your "plugins" folder.
  3. Reload your server and it's ready to go!

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