Welcome to BukkitProtect, protecting your worlds since it was made!
BukkitProtect is unique as it focuses on usability by the average server user, and features that are helpful while playing.
This plugin is intended to be used by servers that don't want to have admins or mods handle protection of land, preferring to use an automated plugin that manages itself and is easy to use by anyone joining the server.
- This plugin now officially supports 1.7.4!
- Now contains an A-Class anti-spam to prevent players griefing your chat
- Commands
- Configuration
- Permissions
- Plugins
- Protections & Rods
- How To's
- Donators (Make sure to check these awesome guys out!)
Present Features
- Protect areas using rods crafted in-game
- Protections can be re-sized using rods
- Protections cover all blocks, containers and entities within the zone
- Sub-protections can be made within protections
- Sub-protections count the Y level
- Allows for near-infinite amounts of sub-protections within sub-protections
- Several different rods available with different amount of uses
- Add tags to protections
- The letter "*" counts as everyone within protections, for example, "/addusers * *" will allow everyone to use everything there
- Other players cannot interact with Tameable Entities that are owned by someone else, even in their protection
- Protections are created around chests players place if they have no protections
- Protections have a minimum size to prevent protection griefing
- Liquids cannot flow into protections unless the owner of the protection it flows from can build in the protection
- Pistons cannot pull or push blocks into protections unless the owner of the protection it comes from can build in the protection
- Players stuck in a protection can use a simple command to get out
- Players have spam warnings, which when enough are collected result in a kick
- If a player sends too many messages in a short amount of time the messages are blocked and they are given warnings
- If a word in a message sent by a player contains over a certain percentage of caps it is changed to lower case
- If a player drags/repeats a letter more then a certain amount of times it is blocked
- If an IP logs into the server within a short amount of time after last logging in then the player is blocked
- Words are limited to a certain length to prevent letter/number/special characters spam
- If a player sends the same message twice in a row the message is blocked and they are given warnings
- A list of banned words can be added to the config to prevent players from saying certain harmful or annoying words/phrases even if the message contains random capitals
- If a message has more then a certain percentage of it censored it is blocked
- Land per player used to limit protections
- Land gained over time
- Land can be given, taken or set for any player
- Wolves can be attacked during PVP with it's owner
- Players running into non-PVP protections during PVP can still be killed by the player attacking them
- Prevents PVP-logging by killing the player when it occurs
- Prevents teleporting via commands or plugins during PVP
- Extensive API for plugins
- User types, rods and tags can be added by plugins
- Plugins can check if a player is in a protection and if they have specific user types
- Automatic updates keep you up to date
- Lengthy configuration to allow you to choose how the plugin runs
- No databases so setup is hastle free
- No world backups are required
- Commands are compatible with the tab key
- Can be used without any configuration
- Minimal CPU and RAM usage
- Relatively small file sizes
Planned Features
- Teleport to selected locations within areas (Configurable)
- World tags to allow certain worlds to have special features
- World users to allow certain players rights in specific worlds
- New tags and tag system to support world tags and to support sub-protections properly
@EliteJynx Add a message when I click with the stick out of a protected land. Example: "This block is not protected."
And a message when I click on a protected land. Example: "This block is protected by {player}"
Ah I see the problem, it's checking if the block you clicked on is stained glass which only exists in 1.7. I will fix it in the next version
I tested on bukkit server and get same error http://pastebin.com/Vjpsk9TX
I got some errors when I click: http://pastebin.com/2vM2eq3a I am testing on FTB Horizons that use minecraft v1.6.4 and BukkitProtect B-1.7
Right click inside the protection with a stick
How can I see the marks of the protected lands? How can I see if I protected the land ?
No, 'rod' refers to items added by this plugin, Protections & Rods
To change the protections it says I need a rod but we just started a new world, does that mean I have to go find a blaze rod in order to protect/unprotect/add people?
This plugin have messages when someone enter and exit the protected region?
I´m not a programer, but i think the easyiest way is to temporary disable the autoupdater and fix the savefunction. I hope the infos are be usefull for you, if i anything forgotten plz type me a message and i´ll give u the infos u needet. ;) Good luck! And take ur time u need, dont panik. For this plugin i can wait, of course. i think if its fixed then this will be the main antigrief.-plugin i´ll use for my server. <3
Okay I'll see what I can do.
I have send you 3 pm's. ;) two times the logfile, one with extrabukkit and one without extrabukkit and in the third mail is one msg they comes only sometimes. looks like are to less ram, but the server had 32gb, i dont know i continue and try something. if i find somehitng out i tell it to you.
ps: sry for my horrible english xD but i think you can understand. ;) \(^.^)/
Edit: I try different Minecraft-Versions of Craftbukkit and Spigot. It looks like a Infinity-loop in the console.
Edit2: If i turn off the autoupdater in both plugins, then it works, but they dont save again... but the two files Land.yml & Protection.yml are there. I try /save-all without effect on the plugin data. i try continue some things....
That's odd. Could you send me your console log when it wasn't working please.
Heyho, i have a little problem with the "save" on this plugin, it looks great and i want to use it for a new server, but everytime i stop the server and start again: all zones a deleted and i try the last 4 versions (ya include the 1.5.2 xD), but no savefiles are created. and i delete the complete folder of bukkitprotect but only one file creating is the config.yml. if you need more details, of course, i send it to you.
Edit: It works: I have make a downgrade of craftbukkit from 1.7.2 to 1.6.4 and have the same error thats no savefiles, after i installed bukkitextras its works fine for me. \(^.^)/ I hope this help some ppl with the same problem, or you can fix ii, or better write as depends (bukkitextras).
It was a problem with Bukkit 1.7, if you update to the latest version of craftbukkit it fixes the problem
LOVE this mod. Seriously a game changer on my server, couldn't live without it. One small problem I discovered though, and this could be due to 1.7.2, but I'm running the latest bukkit dev snapshot (1.7.2) and you can take items out of item frames within someone elses protection even if you don't have any permissions from them. And you can't break the actual frame. It'd be great if it could somehow be updated to protect the items within item frames too :) (if that's possible - I'm not a coder so I don't know how it all works) Thanks for all the great work!
I'll add that into the description, my apologies. And yes, I will be adding several different ways to get blocks. (PVP, Economy, Trading, etc)
Are you planning to add a feature to purchase blocks?
From what I understand at the moment the plugin just gives players 20 land every few minutes? (Isn't mentioned in the description/how-to's and took me a while to figure out how to get more land :P)
Indeed I can, although in the latest dev version the commands have tab completion so it gives you a list of tags/user types etc in game.
I have the versions as A-1.7, B-1.7, etc because to me it looks neater then just sticking a letter on the end, although that's my opinion.
EDIT: I've added the links in as requested, thanks for the feedback!
The convention is 1.6a , 1.6b, 1.6c for example makes more sense than a1.6 :)
It's kinda tricky finding the tags and types of protections, can you set a "see : http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bukkitprotect/pages/protections-rods/ for tags and protections" at the bottom of the commands page?