BukkitInventoryTools V2.0.6
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UploadedSep 13, 2011
Size51.55 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1060
- Beta 1.7.3
Version 2.0.6
- Fixed some more MYSQL bugs
- Added an event for Redstone so it cant open doors when the door is locked.
Version 2.0.5
- Fix a bug in the MYSQL code.
Version 2.0.4
- Implemented a new group for buckets, so you can disable stacking of bucket. Check Permissions and Config.yml
- Disable DisplaySortArchievement in config.yml
- You can create and remove a DigiLock on door. BUG: you cant unlock it yet.
Version 2.0.3
- Test if SortInventory is installed. SortInventory and BukkitInventoryTools conflicts.
Version 2.0.2
- Fixed integration to SpoutBackpack.
Version 2.0.1
- Added a "Remove" button to remove a DigiLock.
Version 2.0
- Lock and unlock inventories with a digital lock. (DigiLock).
- SQLite / MySQL support. I don't support flatfiles.
- Admins can configure which items can be stacked in 5 groups: Weapons, Food, Armor, Tools, Vehicles.
Version 1.4
- Sort on Doublechests works now. I found some new features in Spout, which made it possible to use same stack and sort method, as I used one the player inventory, singlechest and SpoutBackpack Inventory.
Version 1.3.1
- Minor fix. I have just removed some "spam" messages in the console, which i made while I was trying to make Button to work and integration to MyWolf.
- Permissions in plygin.yml is changed so
Version 1.3
- Cleaned up the Permissions Class.
- Integration to MyWolf has begun.
You can create and remove a DigiLock on a door, but you cant unlock it yet :-(