control character replacement #1

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser13964366
  • _ForgeUser13683086 created this issue Aug 6, 2014

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    Love the plugin, works pretty well (though for some reason just quits random sometimes!)
    Anyway, my suggestion/enhancement is to change the text that comes from the MC server to IRC control codes; when chatting with any kind of colour in nicknames / text it gets pretty hard to read on IRC, ie;

    <§4§2Knife§4Jami§r> look at this xD
    <§4§2Knife§4Jami§r> howd you figure out the max

    It would be good to just replace the codes §x with chr(003)x

    Please provide any additional information below.
    I'm willing to give any help you want :)

  • _ForgeUser13683086 added the tags New Enhancment Aug 6, 2014

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