


BukkitIRC Logo Warning! If you're using version 1.3, your clients probably do not see the messages from the extra channels they join. This is to be fixed in 1.4! This plugin brings IRC into Bukkit servers! This plugin connects to the IRC server of your choice and allows your server's players to chat with people on the IRC channel, and vise versa! Whenever somebody in the IRC chat says something, their message will appear for all users on the server, and whenever one of your players says something, it will display on the IRC. Please note, that while the IRC nick is only one, chat messages will say which person on the server has said the message.


It's easy to set up - Run the plugin once the generate config files. Afterwards, stop the server and edit the config files to your liking! There are only four config options to choose from. The host, which would be the IRC server, irc.mibbit.net by default, the username, which would be the nick of your server in the IRC channel and the channel, which is, well, the channel of the IRC. The last one is the server password, used to allow people on the IRC execute server commands.

Current Features

  • IRC Messages from selected IRC server and channel get to the players on the server and chat messages from the players go the the IRC
  • IRC Users that know the server password can make the server execute commands
  • Game server users can PM IRC server users.
  • Multiple channels! Yay!

Planned Features

  • Possibly integrate a Server into the plugin that can be disabled / enabled.


Blank IRC channel; Server hasn't joined yet.

First join:

On Server Join IRC

Server Launches:

Person on IRC Sends Message

(It's me, for demonstration purposes) IRC User sends message:

It shows up in-game for players on the server

Client Receives

Player sends message

(It's me, in-game.) Player sends message (Also me, in-game)

It shows up in the IRC

It shows up in the IRC!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 21, 2014
  • Last Released File
    May 11, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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