Bukkit IRC Server (Runs IRC server as a plugin!)

Bukkit IRC

Bukkit IRC allows for server admins / owners to easily set up an IRC server within their bukkit server. Thats right you don't need an IRC server set up already, the plugin does it all! If you connect to the IRC server with a client you will be able to see minecraft messages and if you login to minecraft you will be able to see the IRC messages! An awesome solution to this once bad problem

Still don't understand what this does?

Bukkit IRC runs an IRC server as a plugin on your minecraft bukkit server that you already have running. This is great for home run servers or even rented servers as it reduces the need for hard installations, and even if you did install it otherwise it would not be integrated with your bukkit server automatically!

Why use bukkit IRC?

Bukkit IRC allows for you to easily set up an IRC server. This IRC server can be used with any IRC client and also integrates with your chat in minecraft. Setup is super simple with simplicity kept in mind when making this.

What is IRC?

IRC means internet relay chat and allows for users to chat just like a group chat in any IM service.

About Bukkit IRC


Currently there are no commands in alpha, but there are plans for making banning commands and muting commands to mute people from the IRC chanels.


As stated above we are only in alpha so we are planning on adding appropriate permissions as per the commands above. Eventually they will be posted here


Installation is very simple. Just drag and drop the .jar into the plugin folder while the server is off! Then edit the config appropriately and start up your server and you are good to go!


Config will be very simple only requiring your IP address and the port you would like to use for the server.

Connecting via your IRC client

Join your server ip with port 6667 and join channel #minecraft to watch and participate in the in game chat. Please report any bugs that you see!

We're Open Source!

Interesting in helping?

https://github.com/wreed12345/Bukkit-IRC Want to join in on this open source project? Contact me at [email protected] or add me on skype wreed12345


I am going to take a look at this once my studies are over for the semester. So mid June I will try to get back and fix this for you all!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 3, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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