
The following methods can be used in a BukkiSH program.

class BukkishTask

public Session getCaller()

returns the calling Session object.

public void run()

Override this with your code.

public void finish()

use this to end the task.

public void writeOut(String message)

use this to write some text to the output stream.

public void writeErr(String message)

use this to write error messages to the error stream.

public String readIn()

use this to wait for some text from the player.

public String getMan()

Override this to return the manual for your program.

class Session

public void updatePermissions(BukkishPermissions newPerms)

to replace the permissions of the session to other ones.

public BukkishPermissions getPermissions()

to get the session's current permissions .

public String getPlayer()

to get the name of the session's owner.

class TaskLibrary

public static BukkishTask makeTask(Session caller, String cmdLine) throws BukkishException

to make a new task with the given command line.

public static void loadPackage(File pkg) throws BukkishException

to load all programs from a package.


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