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At first, I had no intentions to create this plugin since of the lack of popularity, and I figured it would be a plugin 1 or 2 people would download. I recently checked into this plugin, and I have seen that many people are interested in this type of plugin, so I am now starting creation. Thanks for hanging in there, and I will release the plugin soon.
About Bridges
The original map and idea was made by Monkeyaussie. Later, aussie made a plugin competition, and I decided to enter it. This is the result of that competition. You can view the original map post
here, and the original request
- Fully automated
- Automatic arena regeneration
- Resets blocks and chests
- Starts automatically
- Spectators
- Multiple arenas
- Simultaneous games
- Multiworld support
and many more!
None currently known! Have you found one? Please report it as a ticket, here!
- WorldEdit - Required to make the arena, make the bridges, and restore the arena.
- Vault (optional) - Required to use any sort of permissions plugin or economy plugin.
- Make the Bukkit-Dev page fancier
- Add kits
- An API
- Team Selection
- Add optional support for TagAPI
- Add optional support for TabAPI
- Add optional support for Scoreboards
I would like to get this for my server cause it seems great. If there is any way I could get it then that would be great! My username in minecraft is MinecraftMiniver now and not rb9876. Send me a way to download if you could!
The last update was three or four months ago. You can see it in the plugin description, it says that he abandoned this, but he wants to start it again.
P.S.: I know it was three or four months ago because I check if the plugin is out every month (more or less) and it was not here before.
As you can see, the last update was 2013. So, it is most likely the plugin developer has decided to scrap this. Sorry to put you all down but that is the truth.
Definitely gonna download :)
At least reply and tell us your plans!
Please release it soon, I can't wait! :(
Been waiting for this for a very long time! Please release it soon! :/
Can't wait until it will be availible :)
Can I be a beta tester?
MrlolDestructo? Still Alive? ;)
Wow! I Would Love Having it!
This idea is So Beautiful! :)
Sounds so cool... Do you know if you will be adding any features like a volcano that erupts and lava lands as rock or obsidian and players must cross to get to a pvp area? Either way this sounds awesome and I would download it once released.
Please release! This sounds and is very COOL!
is it out yet?
When is this going to be out?
How is the plugin going?
When do you think it will be ready for download
Cant wait for it to be up (really :D) Going to use it for my Minigame server